Eigan Library on newest arduino due board, finding library?

I have the arduino due and newest software and installed the core for it.
Now I am putting the Eigan library in the arduino library folder in the home directory that is for libraries and sketches are where the library folder is in the library folder is the Eigan folder and Eigan zip and #include <Eigan/Dense>
is used I am trying to hook in the Dense.c file it includes the other things.
I did this once before now I am stuck.
it would be great if it was as simple as installig and adding the library I added the zip to the library manager and tried adding it.
If someone were to attach that library as a arduino due ready zip to add that would be great.

#include <Eigan/Dense>

You do not include directories. You do need to specify the extension of the file, if Dense is a file name. You typically do NOT include .c files; you do include .h files.

I think you are referring to the Eigen library. Your code won't compile if you aren't spelling Eigen correctly.


I am attaching y EIGEN zip file library that makes useing it with the arduino due easy.

Here is the arduino code to run the library once it is installed.

//Eigan library test by josheeg example by random vibe and eigen library team.
#include <Eigen.h>

// PRINT MATRIX (float type)
// By: randomvibe

void print_mtxf(const Eigen::MatrixXf& K);

void setup()

  MatrixXf Pp(6, 6);  // Produces 6x6 float matrix class
  MatrixXf H(6, 6);   // Note: without "using namespace Eigen", declaration would be: Eigen::MatrixXf H(6,6);
  MatrixXf R(6, 6);
  MatrixXf X(6, 6);
  MatrixXf K(6, 6);
  MatrixXf Z(6, 6);

  // INPUT MATRICES (so-called comma-initialize syntax)
  Pp << 0.3252,  0.3192,  1.0933, -0.0068, -1.0891, -1.4916,
  -0.7549,  0.3129,  1.1093,  1.5326,  0.0326, -0.7423,
  1.3703, -0.8649, -0.8637, -0.7697,  0.5525, -1.0616,
  -1.7115, -0.0301,  0.0774,  0.3714,  1.1006,  2.3505,
  -0.1022, -0.1649, -1.2141, -0.2256,  1.5442, -0.6156,
  -0.2414,  0.6277, -1.1135,  1.1174,  0.0859,  0.7481 ;

  H << 0.8147, 0.2785, 0.9572, 0.7922, 0.6787, 0.7060,
  0.9058, 0.5469, 0.4854, 0.9595, 0.7577, 0.0318,
  0.1270, 0.9575, 0.8003, 0.6557, 0.7431, 0.2769,
  0.9134, 0.9649, 0.1419, 0.0357, 0.3922, 0.0462,
  0.6324, 0.1576, 0.4218, 0.8491, 0.6555, 0.0971,
  0.0975, 0.9706, 0.9157, 0.9340, 0.1712, 0.8235;

  R << 0.3252,  0.3192,  1.0933, -0.0068, -1.0891, -1.4916,
  -0.7549,  0.3129,  1.1093,  1.5326,  0.0326, -0.7423,
  1.3703, -0.8649, -0.8637, -0.7697,  0.5525, -1.0616,
  -1.7115, -0.0301,  0.0774,  0.3714,  1.1006,  2.3505,
  -0.1022, -0.1649, -1.2141, -0.2256,  1.5442, -0.6156,
  -0.2414,  0.6277, -1.1135,  1.1174,  0.0859,  0.7481;

  // Kalman Gain Example; Matlab form:  K = Pp * H' * inv(H * Pp * H' + R)
  X  = H * Pp * H.transpose() + R;
  K  = Pp * H.transpose() * X.inverse();

  // Print Result
  print_mtxf(K);      // Print Matrix Result (passed by reference)


void loop()

// PRINT MATRIX (float type)
// By: randomvibe
void print_mtxf(const Eigen::MatrixXf& X)  
   int i, j, nrow, ncol;
   nrow = X.rows();
   ncol = X.cols();

   Serial.print("nrow: "); Serial.println(nrow);
   Serial.print("ncol: "); Serial.println(ncol);      
   for (i=0; i<nrow; i++)
       for (j=0; j<ncol; j++)
           Serial.print(X(i,j), 6);   // print 6 decimal places
           Serial.print(", ");

EIGEN.zip (758 KB)

where is the download link for the Eigen libb?
is it identical to this one?