Hi all,
First time at forum, any help will be great - thank you in advance.
Trying to get out from LovyanGFX.hpp library, and need to understand the very basic functions for operating this LCD, at least, it is just an LCD like everyone else, so, with corret initialization procedures, a simple command and data send routines, I can figure out the rest, like all my projects with smaller LCD.
With this code below I can draw several little circles, but this is useless for me, I need to draw some fonts in bitmaps formats, but the libraries don't allow me to do so, it says "declare protected here" and I really don't know how to solve it.
I've be able to draw some lines and blocks, it was nice, till I try to draw my own bitmap. So, I need to know what this function LCD.INIT(); is doing here, what is it sending to the LCD, in other to try to develop my own code, but I can’t find any information.
Taking with Elecrow, I discover that the LCD panel controller is EK9716BD, but no good information can be found.
Any help will be very appreciated, because I need to use this LCD for a BIGGER clock, because I cannot see clearly the old one I made with only 2.5 inches 16 bits parallel interface, besides, it is C++, and I really don't understand it very well.
#define LGFX_USE_V1
#include <LovyanGFX.hpp>
#include <lgfx/v1/platforms/esp32s3/Panel_RGB.hpp>
#include <lgfx/v1/platforms/esp32s3/Bus_RGB.hpp>
// Define a class named LGFX, inheriting from the LGFX_Device class.
class LGFX : public lgfx::LGFX_Device {
// Instances for the RGB bus and panel.
lgfx::Bus_RGB _bus_instance;
lgfx::Panel_RGB _panel_instance;
lgfx::Light_PWM _light_instance;
// Constructor for the LGFX class.
LGFX(void) {
// Configure the panel.
auto cfg = _panel_instance.config();
cfg.memory_width = 800;
cfg.memory_height = 480;
cfg.panel_width = 800;
cfg.panel_height = 480;
cfg.offset_x = 0;
cfg.offset_y = 0;
// Apply configuration to the panel instance.
auto cfg = _panel_instance.config_detail();
cfg.use_psram = 1;
// Configure the RGB bus.
auto cfg = _bus_instance.config();
cfg.panel = &_panel_instance;
// Configure data pins.
cfg.pin_d0 = GPIO_NUM_15; // B0
cfg.pin_d1 = GPIO_NUM_7; // B1
cfg.pin_d2 = GPIO_NUM_6; // B2
cfg.pin_d3 = GPIO_NUM_5; // B3
cfg.pin_d4 = GPIO_NUM_4; // B4
cfg.pin_d5 = GPIO_NUM_9; // G0
cfg.pin_d6 = GPIO_NUM_46; // G1
cfg.pin_d7 = GPIO_NUM_3; // G2
cfg.pin_d8 = GPIO_NUM_8; // G3
cfg.pin_d9 = GPIO_NUM_16; // G4
cfg.pin_d10 = GPIO_NUM_1; // G5
cfg.pin_d11 = GPIO_NUM_14; // R0
cfg.pin_d12 = GPIO_NUM_21; // R1
cfg.pin_d13 = GPIO_NUM_47; // R2
cfg.pin_d14 = GPIO_NUM_48; // R3
cfg.pin_d15 = GPIO_NUM_45; // R4
// Configure sync and clock pins.
cfg.pin_henable = GPIO_NUM_41;
cfg.pin_vsync = GPIO_NUM_40;
cfg.pin_hsync = GPIO_NUM_39;
cfg.pin_pclk = GPIO_NUM_0;
cfg.freq_write = 14000000;
// Configure timing parameters for horizontal and vertical sync.
cfg.hsync_polarity = 0;
cfg.hsync_front_porch = 40;
cfg.hsync_pulse_width = 48;
cfg.hsync_back_porch = 40;
cfg.vsync_polarity = 0;
cfg.vsync_front_porch = 1;
cfg.vsync_pulse_width = 31;
cfg.vsync_back_porch = 13;
// Configure polarity for clock and data transmission.
cfg.pclk_active_neg = 1;
cfg.de_idle_high = 0;
cfg.pclk_idle_high = 0;
// Apply configuration to the RGB bus instance.
auto cfg = _light_instance.config();
cfg.pin_bl = GPIO_NUM_2;
// Set the RGB bus and panel instances.
static LGFX lcd;
static LGFX_Sprite _sprites[2];
struct ball_info_t {
int32_t x;
int32_t y;
int32_t dx;
int32_t dy;
int32_t r;
int32_t m;
uint32_t color;
static constexpr std::uint32_t SHIFTSIZE = 8;
static constexpr std::uint32_t BALL_MAX = 256;
static ball_info_t _balls[2][BALL_MAX];
static std::uint32_t _ball_count = 0, _fps = 0;
static std::uint32_t ball_count = 0;
static std::uint32_t sec, psec;
static std::uint32_t fps = 0, frame_count = 0;
static std::uint32_t _width;
static std::uint32_t _height;
volatile bool _is_running;
volatile std::uint32_t _draw_count;
volatile std::uint32_t _loop_count;
static void diffDraw(LGFX_Sprite* sp0, LGFX_Sprite* sp1)
std::uint32_t* s32;
std::uint8_t* s;
std::uint32_t* p32;
std::uint8_t* p;
s32 = (std::uint32_t*)sp0->getBuffer();
p32 = (std::uint32_t*)sp1->getBuffer();
auto width = sp0->width();
auto height = sp0->height();
auto w32 = (width+3) >> 2;
std::int32_t y = 0;
std::int32_t x32 = 0;
while (s32[x32] == p32[x32] && ++x32 < w32);
if (x32 == w32) break;
std::int32_t xs = x32 << 2;
while (s[xs] == p[xs]) ++xs;
while (++x32 < w32 && s32[x32] != p32[x32]);
std::int32_t xe = (x32 << 2) - 1;
if (xe >= width) xe = width - 1;
while (s[xe] == p[xe]) --xe;
lcd.pushImage(xs, y, xe - xs + 1, 1, &s[xs]);
} while (x32 < w32);
s32 += w32;
p32 += w32;
} while (++y < height);
static void drawfunc(void)
ball_info_t *balls;
ball_info_t *a;
LGFX_Sprite *sprite;
auto width = _sprites[0].width();
auto height = _sprites[0].height();
std::size_t flip = _draw_count & 1;
balls = &_balls[flip][0];
sprite = &(_sprites[flip]);
for (int32_t i = 8; i < width; i += 16) {
sprite->drawFastVLine(i, 0, height, 0x1F);
for (int32_t i = 8; i < height; i += 16) {
sprite->drawFastHLine(0, i, width, 0x1F);
for (std::uint32_t i = 0; i < _ball_count; i++) {
a = &balls[i];
sprite->fillCircle( a->x >> SHIFTSIZE
, a->y >> SHIFTSIZE
, a->r >> SHIFTSIZE
, a->color);
// sprite->fillRect((a->x - a->r) >> SHIFTSIZE
// , (a->y - a->r) >> SHIFTSIZE
// , (a->r * 2) >> SHIFTSIZE
// , (a->r * 2) >> SHIFTSIZE
// , a->color);
sprite->printf("obj:%d fps:%d", _ball_count, _fps);
sprite->printf("obj:%d fps:%d", _ball_count, _fps);
diffDraw(&_sprites[flip], &_sprites[!flip]);
static void mainfunc(void)
static constexpr float e = 0.999; // Coefficient of friction
sec = lgfx::millis() / 500;
if (psec != sec) {
psec = sec;
fps = frame_count * 2;
frame_count = 0;
if (++ball_count >= BALL_MAX) { ball_count = 1; }
auto a = &_balls[_loop_count & 1][ball_count - 1];
a->color = lgfx::color565(100+(rand()%155), 100+(rand()%155), 100+(rand()%155));
a->x = 0;
a->y = 0;
a->dx = (rand() & (3 << SHIFTSIZE)) + 1;
a->dy = (rand() & (3 << SHIFTSIZE)) + 1;
a->r = (4 + (ball_count & 0x07)) << SHIFTSIZE;
a->m = 4 + (ball_count & 0x07);
#if defined (ESP32) || defined (CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32) || defined (ESP_PLATFORM)
ball_info_t *a, *b, *balls;
int32_t rr, len, vx2vy2;
float vx, vy, distance, t;
size_t f = _loop_count & 1;
balls = a = &_balls[f][0];
b = &_balls[!f][0];
memcpy(a, b, sizeof(ball_info_t) * ball_count);
for (int i = 0; i != ball_count; i++) {
a = &balls[i];
// a->dy += 4; // gravity
a->x += a->dx;
if (a->x < a->r) {
a->x = a->r;
if (a->dx < 0) a->dx = - a->dx*e;
} else if (a->x >= _width - a->r) {
a->x = _width - a->r -1;
if (a->dx > 0) a->dx = - a->dx*e;
a->y += a->dy;
if (a->y < a->r) {
a->y = a->r;
if (a->dy < 0) a->dy = - a->dy*e;
} else if (a->y >= _height - a->r) {
a->y = _height - a->r -1;
if (a->dy > 0) a->dy = - a->dy*e;
for (int j = i + 1; j != ball_count; j++) {
b = &balls[j];
rr = a->r + b->r;
vx = a->x - b->x;
if (abs(vx) > rr) continue;
vy = a->y - b->y;
if (abs(vy) > rr) continue;
len = sqrt(vx * vx + vy * vy);
if (len >= rr) continue;
if (len == 0.0) continue;
distance = (rr - len) >> 1;
vx *= distance / len;
vy *= distance / len;
a->x += vx;
b->x -= vx;
vx = b->x - a->x;
a->y += vy;
b->y -= vy;
vy = b->y - a->y;
vx2vy2 = vx * vx + vy * vy;
t = -(vx * a->dx + vy * a->dy) / vx2vy2;
float arx = a->dx + vx * t;
float ary = a->dy + vy * t;
t = -(-vy * a->dx + vx * a->dy) / vx2vy2;
float amx = a->dx - vy * t;
float amy = a->dy + vx * t;
t = -(vx * b->dx + vy * b->dy) / vx2vy2;
float brx = b->dx + vx * t;
float bry = b->dy + vy * t;
t = -(-vy * b->dx + vx * b->dy) / vx2vy2;
float bmx = b->dx - vy * t;
float bmy = b->dy + vx * t;
float adx = (a->m * amx + b->m * bmx + bmx * e * b->m - amx * e * b->m) / (a->m + b->m);
float bdx = - e * (bmx - amx) + adx;
float ady = (a->m * amy + b->m * bmy + bmy * e * b->m - amy * e * b->m) / (a->m + b->m);
float bdy = - e * (bmy - amy) + ady;
a->dx = roundf(adx + arx);
a->dy = roundf(ady + ary);
b->dx = roundf(bdx + brx);
b->dy = roundf(bdy + bry);
_fps = fps;
_ball_count = ball_count;
#if defined (ESP32) || defined (CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32) || defined (ESP_PLATFORM)
static void taskDraw(void*)
while ( _is_running )
while (_loop_count == _draw_count) { taskYIELD(); }
void setup(void)
if (lcd.width() < lcd.height()) lcd.setRotation(lcd.getRotation() ^ 1);
auto lcd_width = lcd.width();
auto lcd_height = lcd.height();
for (std::uint32_t i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
bool fail = false;
for (std::uint32_t i = 0; !fail && i < 2; ++i)
fail = !_sprites[i].createSprite(lcd_width, lcd_height);
if (fail)
fail = false;
for (std::uint32_t i = 0; !fail && i < 2; ++i)
fail = !_sprites[i].createSprite(lcd_width, lcd_height);
if (fail)
fail = false;
if (lcd_width > 320) lcd_width = 320;
if (lcd_height > 240) lcd_height = 240;
for (std::uint32_t i = 0; !fail && i < 2; ++i)
fail = !_sprites[i].createSprite(lcd_width, lcd_height);
if (fail)
lcd.print("createSprite fail...");
_width = lcd_width << SHIFTSIZE;
_height = lcd_height << SHIFTSIZE;
for (std::uint32_t i = 0; i < ball_count; ++i)
auto a = &_balls[_loop_count & 1][i];
a->color = lgfx::color565(100+(rand()%155), 100+(rand()%155), 100+(rand()%155));
a->x = 0;
a->y = 0;
a->dx = (rand() & (3 << SHIFTSIZE)) + 1;
a->dy = (rand() & (3 << SHIFTSIZE)) + 1;
a->r = (4 + (i & 0x07)) << SHIFTSIZE;
a->m = 4 + (i & 0x07);
_is_running = true;
_draw_count = 0;
_loop_count = 0;
#if defined (CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32)
xTaskCreate(taskDraw, "taskDraw", 2048, NULL, 0, NULL);
void loop(void)
#if defined (CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32)
while (_loop_count != _draw_count) { taskYIELD(); }