I have a cheap electric drumset that ive wired up with an arduino pro micro, analog inputs, and using keyboard.h library, and soundplant program, each pad hits keyboard keys that ive set to be the different drum sounds. Works great so far. Im wondering if I can go further with it and instead of using the keyboard.h library and soundplant program, can I have it play the drum sounds straight from the arduino? Still through the computer via usb. I dont know too much more than just using libraries but I may also want to have the pads play the sound and hit a keyboard key when hit...? or play the sound and move the mouse with the mouse.h library. I want to play the drum sound, move the mouse, and possibly hit a key all in the same hit. Does any of this make sense and is it possible?
I hope it makes sense to you as to me it doesn't.
If you want to control your Arduino from your computer you can do that through the Serial-USB interface. Have the computer send commands to the Arduino, and have the Arduino react to that.