Electric/ Electronic check needed, happy to pay

Good morning. I work for a company that specializes in building machinery for agricultural spraying, in greenhouses, etc. One of our machines had to have its control system redesigned because the manufacturer of the electronic board refused further production. I designed a circuit based on the ESP32 and everything works as it should. However, I am a mechanical engineer, not an electrician, and I need professional support - it's about checking the circuit in terms of electrical compliance and conformity with regulations. The whole system is built on ready-made components, so after checking, the next step will be to design a dedicated board (e.g., using Fritzing).

Components of the system include:

  • ESP32 controller,
  • FRAM memory for saving the state of variables, resuming work in automatic mode after a power failure,
  • MCP23017 multiplexer for handling inputs/outputs, connected via I2C
  • 2 x MOSFET circuits, for controlling 2 devices at 24V (a mixer and a valve),
  • 2 x SSI relays, for controlling devices at 240v (a fan and a compressor),
  • a 4x20 display, connected via I2C
  • buttons for controlling the state of the device,
  • 2 power supplies 220/24 V and 24/5V.

Don't use Fitzling. Learn KiCAD. If you need commertial help feel free to send me a PM - or email.

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also try Dave Jone's EEVblog forum. Jobs - Page 1

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Hello. Very sorry to answer just today, i was sick.

One of you suggested not to use adruino, but instead to go to PLC with display. What do you think in general about the idea?


I see no advantage, other than the display is built in

... and it makes the seller happy :slight_smile:

Good morning. So, what this guy says, that arduino is "electronic kindergarten" shall be ignored.

Yes. It's your project, your investment. You will learn. If you have no oldschool background/infrastructure/knowledge for PLC then don't use it. These's a saying AT: "everybody cooks with water". Just take a peek at the IO protection, decide if it's good enough for your usecase or that you maybe want e.g. optocoplers and current loop for IO. If it's "expensive" to go on size and repair stuff then choose prebuilt hardware where you cn blame somebody else than you.

Using modules to prove out your idea like you have certainly makes sense.
However, if you are planning on developing a commercial or industrial product, some of those modules may not be appropriate.

Most Arduino products are designed for hobby use and I would never design them into a product but I would use some of the components and ICs.
For example, I would not use an Arduino UNO in a product but I would certainly use the ATMega328P processor that is used in the UNO.

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Good morning. Can you please explain? Why arduino base on ATMega 328P is not good for industry, and processor itself is ok? It is about radio interferences, or what? I would like to understand.

What aqbout proffesional line of arduinos? They have this Portenta family. I can still change the controller and adjust the code.

Best regards

I would consider the operating environment of my product.
EMI susceptibility
Voltage transients/variations
These are all unspecified for an UNO.
Plus, unless you reverse engineer the board, it basically just a black box.

Whether it makes technical/economic sense to use an off-the-shelf device in your design is up to you.

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