Hello, i have created a window blind/cover control for arduino, all fine... until the 300W motor comes into scene.
Problem: the arduino resets REALLY OFTEN when motor starts. Or immediately at relay activation, but ONLY when motor is connected.
The schema is simple:
-2 relay TTL module https://es.aliexpress.com/item/33050594625.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.34d663c0IVo8Q3
-Arduino pro mini 3.3v
-RA-02 antenna
-Power supply: Diymore Módulo transformador AC 110V 220V a DC 5V 700mA, convertidor reductor de AC DC, placa de fuente de alimentación|buck converter|ac-dc 5vdc dc 5v - AliExpress
1.5mm for 220v power
0.15 jumper/cables internal circuit
220v to:
-Power supply
5v to:
-Arduino pro RAW
-Relays power
Arduino 3.3v internal used for RA-02
Pls hLp