I need to recharge an object (30 cm height) electrically with the water flowing therethrough occasionally. 1 min = 15 litters of water. This object is connected at the smartphone with wifi. I thought of a micro hydro turbine. But I haven't found it yet. Does anyone have an idea?
If you have 15 litres of water per minute falling 30cm it should be easy to work out the energy available.
Figuring out how much could be converted to electricity is another matter entirely. 10% might be optimistic.
This handles up to 20 L/min. (30 cm may not be enough drop).
This handles up to 20 L/min. (30 cm may not be enough drop).
Well it needs 0.4 bar (40kPa) which is a head of 4.1m of water.
But more information please - is this mains water, a 30cm head of water, or what?
I'm not really sure we're talking about charging electronics hydraulically, perhaps
the OP wants a pump?
That's what I'm thinking.
does this:
I need to recharge an object (30 cm height) electrically with the water flowing therethrough occasionally.
To explain more precisely. This is a product frequently in contact with water. It can't move or be plugged into a grounded outlet. So it must be autonomous in terms of energy. It sends informations to my smartphone with WIFI (High energy so). When water passes through: 1 minute = 15 liters of water. I can't give an accurate data liters per day. It can be 5 liters or 100 liters, I don't know.
The product size : It's like a tube 30 cm long with a diameter of 4 cm.
So I thought to recharge it with a hydro turbine. I haven't other ideas.
For energy, my engineer said: We can do something with a turbine can give 500mW... with 5W, we should be quiet.
( Sorry for my English )
Thank you all for your answers
Is the water under presssure or merely falling 30cm under gravity?
I think there is a little pressure, like the pressure coming out on the shower
To take a guess, something like this seems to meet your description of the device. Except with wifi and possibly data logging. Wouldn't solar panel and battery be feasible? A micro hydro turbine would be quite costly and difficult to install.
What about making an old-fashioned water-wheel that turns a small electric motor as a generator?
Another thought is to flow the water through a tube containing a model boat propeller connected to a small electric motor.
post a photo of the device and the connector you plan to use to charge it .
post a photo of the device and the connector you plan to use to charge it .
Seems a little premature since there is no sign of a generating machine yet
post a photo of the device and the connector you plan to use to charge it .
Seems a little premature since there is no sign of a generating machine yet
I need to recharge an object (30 cm height) electrically with the water flowing therethrough occasionally.
I phrased that wrong. I meant post a photo of the device to be charged, (not the charger). My bad.
I think there is a little pressure, like the pressure coming out on the shower
Well the power available depends on the pressure so knowing what it is is key.
We need to know how the device to be charged is wired and if it has a poer cable coming out of the tank.
Withoyt that we can't help you.
I meant post a photo of the device to be charged, (not the charger).
That's what I thought you meant.
How does it matter what device needs to be charged until the OP figures out some means to produce a charging current?
How does it matter what device needs to be charged until the OP figures out some means to produce a charging current?
What difference does it make what we think of if we have no idea how to connect it or even if it is possible to connect it ?
And when you find that out , you may discover that it was a waste of time because whatever you thought you were going to do won't work because the way it is wired or some other issue related to connecting to the device. Do you know how to charge it
wirelessly ? (right, exactly) . I don't think the sonic toothbrush charging scheme will work in this case so we need to know those details before we can figure out a way to do it. I think we should just drop the whole thing now until the OP provides that information. This is a total waste of time with no intel. Good luck.with that.
It seems to me far more likely that it would be possible to connect to the chargee (!) than that it would be possible to make the chargor (!).
It seems to me far more likely that it would be possible to connect to the chargee (!) than that it would be possible to make the chargor (!).
I don't know what you mean by this Robin. My post was about knowing how we can connect to the item to be charged with no information about how to connect (wiring etc,schematic , connector pinout , all the usual stuff) . I don't really follow your response or the significance of the explanation points. Can you enlighten me please ?
Sorry if I was confusing. I was using made-up words chargee and chargor similar to the words words lessee and lessor used by lawyers. (The chargor produces the power and the chargee receives it :)) (Maybe I have it the wrong way round).
What I mean is that it seems very unlikely the OP will devise a satisfactory mechanism for generating a useful amount of electricity from the falling water. Until there is a slight prospect of that being successful I don't see any need to waste the OPs time worrying about electrical connections. For me the generator is the priority and the principal obstacle to success.
Anyway, most electrical power connections can be tamed with a wire cutter and soldering iron.