ELectrogoniometer code problems

I'm absolutley new in Arduino community and electronics.
I'm working on my PhD and I need some direct application using arduino and sensors.
These days I had been trying to figure out a program using a flex sensor with a calibration system and direct degrees flexion in a lcd display to support an electrogoniometer with direct flexion feedback. However the code don't really works.
I post the code, I will be very glad if somebody can check out the project.
I think that i used intexisting combinations which I didn't find any reference on the net, like print serials data in a subcommand on a lcd.
Furthermor, when Im verifing the code I have problems with the liquidCristyal name type and when i upload the library #liquidcrystal.u I don't understand anything whats going on.

Thank you very much. Hope you can help me.

LiquidCrystal lcd(5, 6, 7); // pins 5 6 7
int led = 13; //device on
const int buttonPin = 3; // push botton caliber
const int Flexpin = 0; // flex sensor

void setup()
pinMode(led, OUTPUT);
pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT);
LiquidCrystal.print("CALIBRATION to 0ยบ ---- PRESS BUTTON");

void loop ()
int sensor, degrees;
sensor = analogRead(0);
degrees = map (sensor, 768, 853, 0, 180); //values of senor on rest and flexion followed by Range Of Motion to track
buttonPin = digitalRead(buttonPin);
if (buttonPin == HIGH) {
{int sensorValue = analogRead(0);
{int calibrationVal = 0;
{float voltage = sensorValue * (5.0 / 1023.0);
{digitalWrite(led, HIGH); // turn the LED on (HIGH is the voltage level)
delay(100); // wait for a second
digitalWrite(led, LOW); // turn the LED off by making the voltage LOW
digitalWrite(led, HIGH);

LiquidCrystal.print(Serial.print("JOINT FLEXION degrees:"));

I am afraid that I cannot help you with your electrogoniometer, either with or without direct flexion feedback, but maybe we can get the LCD working with something simple and then someone can help you print your serial data.

First we have to know exactly what kind of LCD you are using. Is it using the 14 or 16 pin parallel interface directly or are you using some sort of serial interface. A link to the datasheet for the device would be helpful, especially if it uses a serial interface.

We also have to know exactly which libraries you are attempting to use. You did not include that part of your program. By the way, when you post code you should highlight that code with your mouse and then press the 'Code' button, it looks like a # symbol.

So, unless you have already done this, you should start with something simple like the 'Hello, world' example which comes with the LiquidCrystal library.


Thanks !!!!
I will restart with easy staff and try to complicate the project. And check out your guide view.
I will post, if i have more problems I think that i will have.....

Thank you very much again.