Electromagnetic Accelerator

The Automated Polygonal ElectroMagnetic ACcelerator or APEMAC for short was a one year project that I finished on November 2013. 12 sides, 12 coils, 12 Leds, 12 Sensors, 12 transistors, a sphere and a lot of programming and patience together with some aluminium resulted to an nice working accelerator.The voice commands really work but could not be included in the video.

Also lots of thanks to Crumpy_Mike for all his help with the transistors.

That's unique and really very clever - thanks so much for sharing it here.


Just want to say that you have done a really cool project!


Well done, that's a great piece of work.

Thank you guys for your comments !
I always wanted an electromagnetic accelerator in my house lying around and it's finally a dream come true :wink:

Very good project.
What do the voice commands do, and what did you use for that function, PC or Arduino?

The voice commands do the following :
Calibration of sensors
Start the acceleration/deceleration sequence
Eneble/Disable the mentioned/all coils

Also for every voice command and generally any action in the accelerator or program, messages are played through the speakers.
I used the computer's microphone for the voice commands and the stt. Cool library by the way !!!

I was going to build one of these but there aren't enough pins on a Uno.

Hahaha it's true ! I calculated the needed pins for the entire CERN and found out that one Uno is not enough. Two may make the change !!! lol
Seriously though, my design and idea was kinda based on CERN !!! That is why I built my accelerator in the first place...