Each { needs an associated closing }
Do all your opening braces have closing braces?
If that relay is going to be used later, it will need and a diode across the coil.
It will also need a transistor driver.
The LEDs resistors look like they are 10K ohm change them to 220 ohms.
These two lines of code are not the same. 
Which one do you think is correct?
State == KeyPress ;
State = KeyPress ;
Once you get into ' case KeyPress: ' how do you get out?
This is still NOT valid syntax:
if (digitalRead(array{Key2, Key3, Key1, Key2}))
What are cntr1 and cntr2 used for?
When you press a key in 'case Ready:' what happens if the button is still pressed when you enter 'case KeyPress' ?
Before you go any further, learn how to detect when a switch goes from LOW (pressed) to HIGH (not pressed).
There is a StateChangeDetection example in the IDE examples.
Also, see this example to see how you can use the StateChangeDetection technique:
// This demonstrates how to look for a switch realease condition
// Switches are connected as below
// Arduino pin-----SwitchPin1 -----SwitchPin2-----GND
// Switch press = LOW, release = HIGH
// LarryD
#define OFF HIGH
#define ON LOW
const byte switch1 = 8;
const byte switch2 = 9;
const byte switch3 = 10;
const byte LED1 = 11;
const byte LED2 = 12;
const byte LED3 = 13;
byte lastSwitch1 = HIGH;
byte lastSwitch2 = HIGH;
byte lastSwitch3 = HIGH;
void setup()
pinMode(switch1, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(switch2, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(switch3, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(LED1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(LED2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(LED3, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(LED1, OFF);
digitalWrite(LED2, OFF);
digitalWrite(LED3, OFF);
} //END of s e t u p ( )
void loop()
if (readSwitch(switch1, lastSwitch1) == true)
//this switch was just released
//toggle the LED
digitalWrite(LED1, !digitalRead(LED1));
if (readSwitch(switch2, lastSwitch2) == true)
//this switch was just released
//toggle the LED
digitalWrite(LED2, !digitalRead(LED2));
if (readSwitch(switch3, lastSwitch3) == true)
//this switch was just released
//toggle the LED
digitalWrite(LED3, !digitalRead(LED3));
} //END of l o o p ( )
//Returns true if the switch was released
bool readSwitch( byte button, byte &lastState)
byte currentState = digitalRead(button);
if (currentState != lastState)
lastState = currentState;
if (currentState == RELEASED)
//button was just released
return true;
return false;
} //END of r e a d S w i t c h ( )