Elegoo robot car and maze solving

Hello everyone,
I am new at Arduino programming. I'm trying to work on a maze solving robot with Pololu QTRSensors.
I would like to adapt Elegoo code to Gobbit Maze Solving code (attachment).
I can't figure out how to change

int dir_a = 9;  //direction control for motor outputs 1 and 2 is on digital pin 12  (Left motor)
int dir_b = 6;  //direction control for motor outputs 3 and 4 is on digital pin 13  (Right motor)

to adapt it to Elegoo, which contains something like:

/*define logic control output pin*/
int avd=9;
int ind=8;
int inds=7;
int avs=6;

Does dir_a and dir_b refers to a two-motors car? Or is there something I can't understand?

Thank you in advance

GobbitMazeSolver_06162015a.ino (18 KB)

Have you tried each program to determine if they even work?


If you are new to arduino programming, perhaps you should start with the tutorials under the 'resources' tab above before attempting to code up a robot.