When I upload it as it is, nothing seems to happen and nothing is output in the serial monitor. However when I remove this line from Measuring_speed.cpp
#include "Motor.h"
#include "PinChangeInt.h"
void Motor::Encoder_init() {
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(ENCODER_LEFT_A_PIN), EncoderCountLeftA, CHANGE);
// attachPinChangeInterrupt(ENCODER_RIGHT_A_PIN, EncoderCountRightA, CHANGE); // <-- this line
Then stuff starts to happen, wheels turn and there is output in the serial monitor. However (as expected) there are no values for the encoder on the right motor.
From a bit of digging I think it maybe something to do with the arduino nano only having interrupt on pin 2 and 3 so they had to use some library to deal with the right encoder on pin 4.
They are using the pinChange-Interrupt which can be used on more IO-pins than just 2 and 3
anyway If you have all parts from the kit and the demo-code does not work
send an email-request to elegoo with a detailed descriptionhow you setup everything and what results you get.
I have the same problem - even the Interrupt for Using the key on the board does not work. The PinChangeInt.h library seems to be very old. How to get a current version. Did you get the problem solved somehow? All in all I would be happy to get some information on programming the robot oneself - a little tutorial or other input.
und an allen Stellen an denen die Funktion attachPinChangeInterrupt auftaucht diese ersetzen:
//attachPinChangeInterrupt(ENCODER_RIGHT_A_PIN, encoderCountRightA, CHANGE);
// new Version with PinChangeInterrupt Library 1.2.9
attachPCINT(digitalPinToPCINT(ENCODER_RIGHT_A_PIN), encoderCountRightA, CHANGE);