Eliminating data error with IR distance sensors

I am working on a music project that uses multiple R144-GP2Y0A02YK 0F IR distance sensors. Basically what it does so far is read the sensor value (which returns values in the 1-500 range. If my hand is over it, it will play a midi note but as long as I dont remove my hand from the sensor's usable airspace, then it will output pitch bend data to bend the note as my hand moves up and down. When my hand is removed, it shuts off the note.

The problem I'm having is that I get bouncing between note on and off when my hand is held right at the upper or lower limits of the range.
I tried taking multiple readings and averaging them but it still bounces. I tried adding a small delay but still the problem persists. If any of you that use variable sensors can give me a good programming approach to resolve this, I would really appreciate it. BTW let me know if I posted this to the wrong area. Im new to the board and wasn't sure if this should go in the programming area instead...

Here is the code for stage 1 of my project. It was written for the MEGA2560 so that I could debug using a second serial line out to the serial monitor:


int sensor1 = 19;
int prevsensor1 = 19;
int sound1 = 30;
int velocity1 = 127;
int note1 = 50;
int pitch1 = 64;
int prevpitch1 = 0;
int onoff1 = 0;
int ch = 1;
int pitchdif1 = 0;

void setup()
Serial2.begin(31250); //Initialize MIDI serial communication
Serial.begin(9600); //Serial Monitor baud for debugging
// the followig serial writes are do add chorus delay and reverb to the midi notes


void loop()
{ //Serial.println("LOOPAROUND");
// Check sensor and filter results
//filter by averaging then c0nstraining output (150-450)

sensor1= (analogRead(A0)+analogRead(A0)+analogRead(A0)+analogRead(A0))/4;
constrain(sensor1, 50, 450);

if (sensor1 < 150 || sensor1 >450) //OUT OF RANGE
velocity1 = 0;
onoff1 = 0;
else // IN RANGE
if (onoff1 == 0)
velocity1 = 127;
playMidiNote(note1, velocity1, ch, sound1);
pitchdif1 = sensor1;
onoff1 = 1;
if (onoff1 == 1)
pitch1 = 64+(pitchdif1/4)-(sensor1/4);
constrain(pitch1, 5, 120);


void playMidiNote(byte note, int velocity, int ch, int snd) // subroutine for playing note
//Plays a midi note on ch
Serial2.write(192+ch); //code to call change of sound
Serial2.write(snd); //code to set new sound to sound #41
Serial2.write(144+ch);// code to call up note change
Serial2.write(note);// specifies which note
Serial2.write(velocity); //sets volume for the note 0-127


is a better way to show your code!

Thanks for the tip. I'll learn the lingo... I promise!
I just started using arduino and learning the language about a month ago so I am about as newby as it gets.
Feel free to call me on any errors...I'm looking to learn...

I was subtly (perhaps too subtly) suggesting you edit your post and wrap code tags around it

to solve your problem you need to introduce hysteresis

so when your hand goes "out-of-range" (>500)
it doesn't come back into range unless it's < 480 (for example)
when "in range" anything over 500 takes it out of range again

that gives you a band of 20 (480 to 500 in my example) where
if it's in it stays in, if it's out it stays out

that way you have to move your hand a little in to start it off
hope that makes sense

I was subtly (perhaps too subtly) suggesting you edit your post and wrap code tags around it

Got it, I will go look at other posts and get that stuff right to make my posts clearer.

As for the code suggestion, it makes perfect sense. I'm still not sure how to do it but I'm sure I'll get it once I get a chance to sit for a while and program later today.

Thanks for the help.