EM18 buffer overflow

Hello everybody,
I have few EM18 modules.
I try to use them with Arduino and one software for RDM6300 which works fine.
Same principle.
Power and TX pin and they send like every other 125Khz card 17 bytes.
I use one card with RDM6300 and i know what it send.
When i use the same card with EM18, i just get Buffer overflow like in the picture.
Can anybody help me on this. ?
Thank you

Try making your buffer bigger, depending on how I count I get more then 14 bytes. You can always trim it down when it works. The error is simply telling you that there is not enough buffer space to hold the incoming data, but not why.

I will try
Thank you
But the card is only
54 00 4C 81 9E 07
54 is the version
07 is the CRC
The middle is the ID of the card
Bottom line they are only 6 bytes
For me each group of two is a byte.
Maybe i am wrong.