Email or Text Notification

I am trying to put together a low cost way of notifying a customer or grounds keeper that a system needs attention. The system will provide LV contact closure when in trouble but I have no way of notifying anyone unless I install an alarm panel and have it monitored. How can or can the Arduino send out a text or email on a contact closure?
Thank You

Take a look at a GSM solution, such as the Arduino GSM Shield.

How can or can the Arduino send out a text or email on a contact closure?

There are several options open to you.

If you have a GSM modem connected to the Arduino with a service contract then you can use the modem to send text messages.

If you have an Ethernet/WiFi interface then you can send email messages. However, the Arduino will have very limited capability to deal with network authentication and this will limit the email service providers that the Arduino will be capable of sending email to.

Some mobile service providers also provide a service which lets you submit a text message via email. (This would be subject to the same limitations about email security.)

If the Arduino is connected to a PC then you could have the Arduino send a message to the PC commanding it to send the text or email. (The PC can do all the things the Arduino can wrt sending emails, but it will be much easier on the PC.) This would need an application running on the PC. If the PC is running Windows the application could be Gobetwino; if it isn't, you'd need to write your own.