Email Trigger with Timestamp content

Continuing the discussion from How to trigger to send email? PLEASE HELP:

Need help on code to send trigger mail with these conditions when:

  1. before sending the 1st mail, it has to check the temperature for 5 seconds then send the trigger mail. Like, whe the system detects the initial temperature, it needs to check for 5 seconds before send the mail.
  2. Let's say there is two types of status hot or cold. When the system detects status as hot, immediately it should capture the last temperature change together with the current timestamp in the mail body content.

Is it possible? If can, it would be a great help.

the mail (itself) has to check the temperature?

how can be something hot and cold at the same time???

change from what to what?

I do not really understand what you want to say with that.

It seems that english is not your native language.
So my recommendation is that you

  • in your native language - write down a pretty detailed explanation where you use example numbers
    and then let do google-translate the translation to english.

best regards Stefan

by the way what is your native language? the arduino-forum has subforums for different languages

best regards Stefan

I'm sorry for the previous confusion and for my bad explanation. If there is anything still need to be cleared, please let know.

The more details you explain the better help you will receive.
If you stay on that poor level all you will get is very general advice and some links where you can learn yourself.
You are welcome on this forum! You are working on an informatic project and what is most needed in an informatic project is information imagine: do the other users here in the forum have a clear picture of what you are trying to do?

To speed up finishing your project you should invest some time into writing additional information I'm 100% sure that this WILL speed up finishing your project.

How to get the best out of this forum

best regards Stefan

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