Embedding ATMega chip in device?

Maybe I am missing some obvious keyword(s) in my searches, but I can't find any info on a very basic topic: embedding an ATMega chip (in my case, an ATMega328) in a device after programming it on an Arduino board (in my case, a Duemilanove).

Specifically, I can't figure out which pins on the chip correspond to which pins on the Duemilanove. I've tried finding the answer in the ATMega datasheet, here on the Arduino site, and in Banzi's Getting Started with Arduino, but to no avail.

Is there some simple diagram somewhere that shows how the pins on the chip(s) correspond to the pins on the Arduino board? Without this information, I can't begin wiring my device....

Thanks in advance for any help.

Linked off the Duemilanova page.


"Mapping"!! That's the keyword I was overlooking. Thank you very much, Andrew!

I had cause to look it up myself recently when fiddling with this (ATMega328 on breadboard with USB interface and autoreset):



I really like that breadboard, nifty lookin!

I'm just waiting for some crystals and I'll have some breadboard based goodies (hopefully) semi-soon!:smiley: