Enable Roaming (Fast BSS Transition) between two Yun


I would like to build a network with two arduino Yun as AP and enable the Roaming between them. The protocol I'm trying to run is the 802.11r and as far as I know, I'd need to modify the hostapd configuration.

Anyone has any idea how to do that?

I tried to open the file hostapd located in /usr/sbin with the command cat but the result is something like that:

???? !??(?? ??????,??$??!??!
                                                c !@@?!@ !
                                                          cs(!@(!? !
                                                                    _I0!@	$<F$?nt
                                                                                            c_` &u$??
 ac$?n?$????,??(??$?? ????'?0'???? !$?\?? ????$??!
                                                  _??!!<F$?n? 0!

I would like to build a network with two arduino Yun as AP and enable the Roaming between them. The protocol I'm trying to run is the 802.11r and as far as I know, I'd need to modify the hostapd configuration.

Anyone has any idea how to do that?

I tried to open the file *hostapd* located in `/usr/sbin` with the command `cat` but the result is something like that:

!?? ??'?('??Я?(??$??!??!'?? !?? ??,
                                                                                                              `???!@   !?'<F$?n?
                                  ?@8!??,??(??$?? '?0'?????$??D??@??<??8??4??0??,??(?? ??!??!?!!$c?d??T???$B$
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?&&ꢠ???!&s?B@??&í???D !??@??<??8??4??0??,??(??$?? '?&??&????'??௿????PR ??L
                  ? ! !????@("n'? @????$?*'?%?$ !??'? '??د???!? !?? ??$
                                                                                    ac 8'-$????$<F$??l
                                                                                                      ac0!$????$?? ??'?('??د? ? !??!?(!??????$??!

What you asked is:

IEEE 802.11r-2008 or fast BSS transition (FT) is an amendment to the IEEE 802.11 standard to permit continuous connectivity aboard wireless devices in motion, with fast and secure handoffs from one base station to another managed in a seamless manner.

Need latest version openwrt support.

Current Yun' OS is deadly old, and has no support IEEE 802.11r.

And I guess there's no possibility to update the OS, is there?

Do you know if I can enable roaming in a different way?


I have updated OpenWrt-Yun to Chaos Calmer. Uninstalled wpad-mini and installed hostapd.

Two Arduino Yun are working as AP and this is from the etc/config/wireless configuration file, which is the same for both the APs:

config wifi-iface
        option device 'radio0'
        option network 'lan'
        option mode 'ap'
        option ssid 'Arduino Yun-xxxxxxx'
        option encryption 'psk'
        option key 'xxxxxxxxxx'
        option ieee80211r '1'
        option nasid '04A151B240B1'

A third Yun is used as client to connect to one AP (this Yun runs the default OpenWrt-Yun OS).

To test the Roaming feature I used this command on the client

iw event -t

But I have a problem. I don't know how to configure the communication between the two APs. How should they communicate? So far only one has DHCP enabled.

For example, when I was using WDS, I had one Yun as AP(WDS), with DHCP enabled, and the second Yun both as AP(WDS) and Client(WDS). Doing that the second Arduino was connected to the first one and was acting essentially as extender/repeater. Running the command above, I was able to see when the client switched from AP1 to AP2 but that was not purely roaming since after disconnecting from AP1 the client performed again the network scan.

I would like to perform the same test to verify that 802.11r is correctly working, but as I said I don't know how to configure the link between the two APs.