I'm planning to upgrade a few mega 2560 with MKRZero (size) using the old enc28j60 modules and found that the great UIPEthernet Library does not compile, any suggestions other than buy new modules?
what is the error?
you could try EthernetENC
Arduino: 1.8.19 (Windows 10), Board: "Arduino MKRZERO"
C:\Users\opnde\Documents\Arduino\libraries\UIPEthernet\utility\Enc28J60Network.cpp:44:24: error: conflicting declaration 'arduino::SPIClass SPI' extern SPIClass SPI;
In file included from C:\Users\opnde\Documents\Arduino\libraries\UIPEthernet\utility\Enc28J60Network.h:211:0,
from C:\Users\opnde\Documents\Arduino\libraries\UIPEthernet\utility\Enc28J60Network.cpp:25:
C:\Users\opnde\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\arduino\hardware\samd\1.8.13\libraries\SPI/SPI.h:93:23: note: previous declaration as 'SPIClassSAMD SPI' extern SPIClassSAMD SPI;
exit status 1
Error compiling for board Arduino MKRZERO.
and yes, my next step is to try EthernetENC library, thanks for your answer.
Thanks JuraJ; it did compile using EthernetENC library, so it is promising, my application is to use as UDP Server so I assume that there is no need to change my code!
but I would like to know what error did you get with the UIPEthernet library
Not working for me any other solution. can get or anythings else i can do with
it is on post #3
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