Enclosure for RFID Reader?


I am in the UK an am in the final stages of putting together an RFID access / alarm system for my house and have hit a bit of a snag. I need a few smallish boxes to put the RFID readers in. These are going to be mounted outside the house, so I want them to look reasonably sleek. I have spent ages looking around, but all I can really find are rather dull square boxes, like those from PacTek (who have been mentioned elsewhere on this forum).

Does anyone know where I could source 2 or 3 better looking boxes?? I have found some nice looking ones by doing a Google Image Search for "rfid reader boxes", but everything I have found requires you to buy hundreds of units, which obviously I dont want to do!



Without knowing the specifics of your system why not go to an electrical supply place and get some enclosures like whats used for switch gear etc.

Since you are mounting stuff outside make sure it has a waterproof rating. Look at the IP XX ratings for something that suits your needs. It shouldnt cost you too much but still won't be cheap and you will surely be able to buy them as single units.


Thanks for the reply... Basically I just need an enclosure that will fit an ID12 reader and a few LEDs. My problem is partly I dont really know what to search for. What do you mean by "switch gear" enclosures?



You could get some custom cut out of Acrylic... properly bonded together they'll be waterproof... and having the top layer flat... you can have the LED's recessed, but visible when lit.

That way at least you can have a sleek look, choice of colour AND have the functionality that you want.

If you're worried about eeejits smashing them up, you could always go for lexan :smiley:

If it's going outside, and is to be used for home security... why not put it in a fake rock?

These guys' polyurethane fake rocks (start at $10USD... no idea what international shipping would be) have a 1/2 inch thick wall... plenty thin for Radio Frequency to transmit through, plus it's completely hidden... might get funny looks from the neighbors when you're holding your keys up to random rocks in your front yard though.


Maybe look for anybody offering similar products in your neck of the woods? I think this would be way sneaker than random plastic boxes, just recess the LEDs so you only see them from the right angle (probably from the side that faces the house, not the street)

I have seen some very nice RFID readers with wooden housings. These were carved or milled out of a solid block. They were commercial but there is nothing to stop you from making your own or getting a local joiner to make them for you. Stained and varnished they looked very classy, they were German if I remember correctly.

I've done it with standard blank electrical wall-plates in the past. Looks quite professional for a home-brew system! You can see a photo of one on this page:


Freetronics: www.freetronics.com

Thanks for all the replies guys!

Love the rock idea - would be quite funny, however one of the things that I want is to make it look obvious that there is some kind of security system there to put people off (problems with opportunistic thieves around here).

I have considered wood, but thought it might look a little naff... I'll have a look around though.

Jon; your pics look pretty similar to what I was wanting... where did you get those, or what type of "thing" are they called?!

I hadnt thought of building something out of acrylic - might look into that if I cant get anything pre-fabbed.

Thanks again!

but thought it might look a little naff

Well the ones I saw at a show were quite classy.
I can't seem to find them on line but there were a German company.

You can get the blanks from any electrical wholesaler. They screw onto a backbox (wall box? It's a back box in the UK :D)