encoder + joystick

Hey guys,

I'm in the planning stages of designing a controller with a tactile input device. I need something that is a rotary encoder as well as a l,r,u,d joystick. I also need it to make to a standard (0.25" or 6mm?) shaft. does anyone have any suggestions?

something like this... but at a fraction of the price [1] http://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/60AR18-4-060C/GH7547-ND/3476119?cur=USD
actually; just one axis is all i really need (rotation + left/right)

i guess i could rig up two momentary switches and put the encoder on some sort of pivot... but i'd like something more robust and professional.

thanks in advance

as a lost resort i guess i could epoxy the encoder to a switch like this.

but this would put the pivot point further down. not optimal but could work

All a "joystick" consists of is a stick attached to two potentiometers anyway. Just ("just"...yeah...like it's gonna be super simple...?) mount an encoder onto the shaft of a horizontally mounted potentiometer and calibrate for needed practical range. If you need a button...I suppose you could use a button in between pot and encoder? - Mount encoder to button...mount button to potentiometer?

I'm guessing there is a reason those things are so expensive. :roll_eyes:

How large/small does this have to be?

thank you for your reply.

it doesn't 'need' to be an analog joystick so the rocker will work. and a button is already integrated into the encoder.

it needs to be small-ish. the knob has a 51mm diameter and it needs to be pretty robust. I'm a bit worried about the tall nature of an encoder mounted on top of a rocker switch... it could fatigue over time.