Encryption on wireless modules

I have seen on the market wireless modules like Xbee, LoRA that support AES encryption/decryption. Who cares about encryption/decryption in sensor nodes anyway?? I mean, they transfer probably data from sensors...temperature, humidity, etc

People who want to receive safe and reliable data will care. Suppose You receive 90% garbage and 10% real data because of some funny guy playing around… How would You treat that stream?

Those are established protocols. They offer as many features as is practical, to support as wide a range of applications as possible. So that the protocol will be useful and become more universal and popular. The larger the user base, the more cheaply it can be made, and vice versa. So there will always be some feature that you personally don't need. That doesn't mean nobody needs it.

Feel free to ignore any device feature you consider unnecessary. You are not required to use them.

Who cares about encryption/decryption in sensor nodes anyway??

The people that use encryption with wireless modules.