I designed this as part of a larger future home automation system.
Basically I got tired of using power measurement devices that clamp into one of the cables of the electricity meter.
These devices are never accurate because they only measure current... Therefore:
Changes to the incoming AC voltage are not taken into account to calculate the real power
An AC supply is composed of several current components (Real, apparent, reactive). Unless all devices in the house are resistive, and therefore have a unity power factor, the measured current and hence consumption will differ from what is in fact being used.
Slow bandwidth: A heater fed with a half wave rectifier, a dimmer circuit or even a switch mode power supply, which pulls power is short bursts near the peak of the AC supply require a bandwidth in the order of a few KHz to correctly detect the phase angle duration and calculate the average power consumed with accuracy. This isn't achieved in most cases, simply because such devices are battery powered, sampling current in intervals and sending it in an even slower wireless transmission once every few seconds.
Put it simply, the results are wrong. Most modern plug in energy meters account for this, but its impossible to use one of these to measure a whole house consumption.
To overcome this I designed a circuit that measures the light pulses from a digital meter and calculates the instant consumption exactly as it is being billed by the supplier. It also logs the last 6H consumption on a display, with one minute resolution, and saves such data to an SD Card.
A RTC is used to add time stamps to the readings and differentiate different billing periods. For example, an economy 7 or 10 tariff.
In a near future I will add a functionality to control remote slaves at given time by reading data on the SD card. This is currently done using plug in timers on those appliances that require it. Its expensive and troublesome to change values individually. The new system will allow adding devices with base on a unique ID by simply changing variables on the SD card.
The basic prototype is shown below. Its running for the last 3 months, with last reset date 32 days ago.
Also the sensor on the meter:
The code:
The code was squashed to fit on an UNO. It's mostly AVR GCC, rather than "arduino code"
To run, extract the zip to a folder and open the Power_meter.ino file. The other files will load in separate tabs inside the compiler.
Libraries needed:
All required libraries are included in the files and should not be changed. I believe the only thing missing is adafruit GFX library. The code includes the source files for my modified ILI9341 Fast library and skinned files for the SD card operation, Real time clock, time library, etc.
SD Card Files:
The data is saved to an Excel file.
The config file has the values of parameters to be used by the device, that can be changed by the user without the need to reprogram the processor.
The config file looks like this:
Carlos Silva - V1.0, October 2015
The Smart Meter Interface reads the optical output of the energy meter to calculate
Instantaneous energy consumption and total power consumed
A Log is saved to an SD card showing power consumed within 1H intervals.
Pulse Output: Enter the number of Pulses per KW indicated on the meter
Off-Peak Rates:
These are used to setup different electricity costs in Economy 7 or 10 Tarriffs.
Typically an Economy 7 has a single Night Rate period, while economy 7 has a few spaced over the day.
Offpeak(x) rate start: Enter time in the format HHMM
Offpeak(x) rate end: Enter the number of hours in HHMM format
Example: For off-peak time rate = 0AM to 7AM
Offpeak rate start = 0000
Offpeak rate end = 0700
Example: For night time rate = 11:30PM to 6h30AM
Offpeak rate start = 2330
Offpeak rate end = 0630
To Disable unused off-peak rates enter equal START and END Fields
Example: Disable Offpeak Rate 2:
Offpeak rate start = 0000
Offpeak rate end = 0000
Card Security Code: Used to detect a valid settings file. Set to 651.
Max watt dislay: This is used to capp the maximun value the graph plot is able to display
before clipping occurs, in order to have a better visual accuracy of the consumption as most
loads draw power continuously, but at a low rate, with high consumption loads only used ocasionally.
Whenerver power usage exceeds this value the graph is be capped and the plot printed in red.
There are 180 Active pixels. If this value is set to 2000W, each pixel represents 11W, if set to 10000W,
each pixel represents 55W.
Also attached a few months data logging. Would be nice to have a program to automatically read and display as a graph. Anyone up to the challenge?
One thing Ill change is data to be saved every half an hour rather than every minute. Displayed data will still be shown in 1 minute steps.
Instant consumption is updated at every new meter pulse.
Feedback Welcome
Power_meter.zip (22.9 KB)