Engraving machine

Hello. I made a cnc router. Engraving works well. Please ask for the program on 3D Pore. Help me.

Hello. I made a cnc router. Engraving works well. Please ask for the program on 3D Pore. Help me.

If it works well why do you need help?

And what do you need help with?

What is 3D Pore ?


So far I have straight grinding. I want 3D scrolling. Thank you all.

You need to better describe what you want. A good description of your machine would help. The more details we get the better and faster help you will get.

I'd like to milling not just a plane plane. But also 3D images. Thanks for the ideas.

So far I have straight grinding. I want 3D scrolling. Thank you all.

What is 3D scrolling?

Why can't you do it with your present code and hardware?


Sorry bad english. I'd like to milling the part. I don't have software for deep pore. Thanks for advice.

This is an Arduino forum. it sounds like you wan to ask on a CNC forum where they do that sort of thing all the time.

if you think of your 2D as the first layer, then you only need to drive your Z axis to add depth if you are doing a flat table

if you are doing a rotating table you can almost think of it as a 2D because you only move either X or Y and the other is fixed, then you use Z as your 2nd axis.

if you want to get into 5D, then you really should move up to an actual CNC software with tool path generation and post processing.

Sorry bad english. I'd like to milling the part. I don't have software for deep pore. Thanks for advice.

If you have built a device that allows accurate movement in the X Y and Z axes then the next thing is to learn about CNC and path generation. That is outside the scope of this Forum.

There are many CNC Forums that can probably help and there is a huge number of YouTube videos about the subject.


Thank you for your advice, I'll try on youtube.