Entering an if(x > y) statement when x & y both equal 0

I am writing a script that allows me to order motors to move a set distance. I want it to be able to respond to multiple orders at a time without needing to reset the arduino. Here's the code:

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include "DualTB9051FTGMotorShieldMod3230.h"
#include "Encoder.h"

// Declaring remapping for motor 1 
unsigned char M1EN = 22;
unsigned char M1DIR = 7;
unsigned char M1PWM = 9;
unsigned char M1DIAG = 6; 
unsigned char M1OCM = A0;
// Declaring remapping for motor 2
unsigned char M2EN = 4;
unsigned char M2DIR = 8;
unsigned char M2PWM = 10;
unsigned char M2DIAG = 12; 
unsigned char M2OCM = A1;
// Declaring remapping for motor 3
unsigned char M3EN = 23;
unsigned char M3DIR = 27;
unsigned char M3PWM = 45;
unsigned char M3DIAG = 31; 
unsigned char M3OCM = A2;

// Just in case setup for motor 4
unsigned char M4EN = 25;
unsigned char M4DIR = 29;
unsigned char M4PWM = 46;
unsigned char M4DIAG = 33;
unsigned char M4OCM = A4;

// Command to perform remaps
DualTB9051FTGMotorShieldMod3230 md(M1EN,M1DIR,M1PWM,M1DIAG,M1OCM,M2EN,M2DIR,M2PWM,

// Declaring encoders
Encoder M1Encoder(2,3);  
Encoder M2Encoder(18,19);
Encoder M3Encoder(20,21);

// Orders variables
String inString;                     // Storage variable for receiving orders
float angleOrder;                    // Angle the arm will rotate to
float extOrder;                      // Distance the arm will extend to reach the dock
float completeTime;                  // Time that the operation will be completed in

// Hardware Constants
float motorGearRatio = 131;        // 131 RevsMotor/RevsShaft
float countsPerMotorRev = 64;      // 64 counts/RevsMotor                
float grabberGearRadius = .85;           // Radius of grabber gear in inches
float innerGearRadius = .54;             // Radius of inner gear in inches
float leverArm = 33.5;             // Distance of drive wheel from base in inches  
float wheelRadius = 1.37795276;    // Wheel radius in inches
float kp2 = 150;                    // Tuning variable for function
float kp3 = 80;
// Position tracking variables
float counts = 0;                  // Counts
float pos2 = 0;                    // Current encoder reading for motor 2
float pos3 = 0;                    // Current encoder reading for motor 3
float startTime = 0;               // Time the operation actually starts
float t2 = 0;                      // Current time
float tOld2 = 0;                   // Previous time
float t3 = 0;
float tOld3 = 0;
float deltaT = 0;                  // Difference between t & tOld
float shaftPos = 0;                // Current motor shaft position in radians
float armPos = 0;                  // Actual current arm position in degrees
float armExt = 0;                  // Actual current arm extension in inches
float M2 = 0;                      // Motor 2 power
float M3 = 0;                      // Motor 3 power
float omegaDesired;                // Desired rotational velocity
float velDesired;                  // Desired extension velocity
float extD;                        // Iteration desired extension variable
float angleD;                      // Iteration desired angle variable

void setup() {
  // Initializing communication
  Serial.begin(115200);  //Open serial communications with computer and wait for port to open:
  Serial2.begin(9600);  //Open serial communications with the other Arduino board
  //Initializing motors

void loop() {
  // Pull orders from Uno **********************************************************************
  if(Serial2.available() > 4){ //If the XBee has 5 or more bytes to read
    if(Serial2.read() != 255){ // If the first byte isn't 255
      // Flush the serial monitor
      while(Serial2.available() != 0){

      // Pull angle orders
      inString = Serial2.readStringUntil(',');  
      angleOrder = inString.toFloat();
      // DEBUGGING SERIAL PRINTS ------------------------------------------
      Serial.print("Arm will move to position ");
      Serial.println(" degrees");
      // DEBUGGING SERIAL PRINTS ------------------------------------------

      // Pull extension orders
      inString = Serial2.readStringUntil(',');
      extOrder = inString.toFloat();
      // DEBUGGING SERIAL PRINTS ------------------------------------------
      Serial.print("Arm will extend ");
      Serial.println(" inches");
      // DEBUGGING SERIAL PRINTS ------------------------------------------

      // Pull time orders
      inString = Serial2.readStringUntil(',');
      completeTime = inString.toFloat();
      // DEBUGGING SERIAL PRINTS ------------------------------------------
      Serial.print("Operation will finish in ");
      Serial.println(" seconds");
      // DEBUGGING SERIAL PRINTS ------------------------------------------
      completeTime = completeTime * 1000.0;

      // Flush out any remaining data in the serial buffer
      while(Serial2.available() != 0){

    // desired velocities
    velDesired = extOrder / completeTime;
    omegaDesired = (angleOrder - armPos) / completeTime;
    // recording the starting times
    tOld2 = millis();
    tOld3 = millis();
    startTime = millis();

    // DEBUGGING SERIALPRINTS ------------------------------
    // Serial.print("The operation start time is: ");
    // Serial.println(startTime);
    // Serial.print("The desired exention velocity in in/ms is: ");
    // Serial.println(velDesired, 15);
    // DEBUGGING SERIALPRINTS ------------------------------

  // Execute orders **********************************************************************************
  // Run motor 2
  t2 = millis();
  pos2 = M2Encoder.read();
  //velDesired = (extOrder - armExt) / (completeTime - (t2 - startTime));     // In inches/millisecond
  shaftPos = -1 * ((pos2 / (countsPerMotorRev * motorGearRatio)) * 2.0*PI);     // Position of the shaft in radians
  deltaT = t2 - tOld2;                                                        // Time difference between running the function in milliseconds
  tOld2 = t2;                                                                 // Updating the time
  armExt = shaftPos * innerGearRadius;                                        // Get the current extension of the arm in inches

  // Proportion control
  if(abs(extOrder) > abs(armExt)){
      extD = extD + velDesired * deltaT;
    extD = extOrder;
  if(abs(extOrder) < abs(armExt)){
    Serial.println("getting in here");
    extOrder = 0;
    armExt = 0;
    shaftPos = 0;
  M2 = kp2*(extD - armExt);
  // DEBUGGING SERIAL PRINTS  ------------------------------------------------------
  Serial.print("Current Arm extension: ");
  // Serial.print("The time difference is: ");
  // Serial.println(deltaT);
  // Serial.print("Desired velocity: ");
  // Serial.println(velDesired);
  // Serial.print("Desired extension value: ");
  // Serial.println(extD);
  // Serial.print("Motor power: ");
  // Serial.println(M2);
  // DEBUGGING SERIAL PRINTS  ------------------------------------------------------

  // Run motor 3
  t3 = millis();
  pos3 = M3Encoder.read();                                      
  shaftPos = (pos3 / (countsPerMotorRev * motorGearRatio)) * 2.0*PI;               // Position of the shaft in radians
  deltaT = t3 - tOld3;                                                             // Time difference between running the function in milliseconds    
  tOld3 = t3;                                                                      // Updating the time                                                              // Updating the position   
  armPos = shaftPos * (wheelRadius / leverArm) * (180 / PI);                       // Get the current position of the arm in degrees

  // Proportion control
  if((omegaDesired > 0 && angleOrder > armPos) || (omegaDesired < 0 && angleOrder < armPos)){
    angleD = angleD + omegaDesired * deltaT;
    angleD = angleOrder;
  M3 = kp3*(angleD - armPos);

  // DEBUGGING SERIAL PRINTS  ------------------------------------------------------
  // Serial.print("Current Arm Pos: ");
  // Serial.println(armPos);
  // Serial.print("The time difference is: ");
  // Serial.println(deltaT);
  // Serial.print("Iteration desired angle value: ");
  // Serial.println(angleD);
  // Serial.print("Motor power: ");
  // Serial.println(M3);
  // Serial.print("Ideration desired angle: ");
  // DEBUGGING SERIAL PRINTS  ------------------------------------------------------ 

The problem is here:

  if(abs(extOrder) < abs(armExt)){
    Serial.println("getting in here");
    extOrder = 0;
    armExt = 0;
    shaftPos = 0;

When I first upload the code, it doesn't get inside the if statement, but after I have had it execute its first orders, it gets inside the if statement once, then continues to enter it with each loop through the code. I don't understand why or how to prevent it.

Make the following change and use the results to explain it to us:


if(abs(extOrder) < abs(armExt)){
    Serial.println("getting in here");
    extOrder = 0;
    armExt = 0;
    shaftPos = 0;

It says zero for both.

Both cannot be zero. Did you add the ",6" in the print statement?

Don't confuse floats with integers. 0.00000001 prints as zero using Serial.print()

I found the cause, armExt is defined a couple lines up, and so is shaftPos, but I forgot to set the encoder count to 0 as well.
After doing that, it breaks my serial monitor though.

Why might this happen?

Please explain what that means.

The picture was meant to explain what I meant. It has the outputs stuck in the corner. Before I added that line, it was behaving normally, rapidly printing out the Serial.print()s
The only change was

if(abs(extOrder) < abs(armExt)){
    Serial.println("getting in here");
    extOrder = 0;
    armExt = 0;
    shaftPos = 0;


if(abs(extOrder) < abs(armExt)){
    Serial.println("getting in here");
    extOrder = 0;
    armExt = 0;
    shaftPos = 0;

Sorry, I have no idea what you mean.

You probably have another programming error. Put in Serial.print() statements to help find them.

It seems like the Arduino IDE bugged, after restarting it, the problem left.
Thanks for your help! This isn't the first time you've helped me and I appreciate it.

Here's the script:

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include "DualTB9051FTGMotorShieldMod3230.h"
#include "Encoder.h"

// Declaring remapping for motor 1 
unsigned char M1EN = 22;
unsigned char M1DIR = 7;
unsigned char M1PWM = 9;
unsigned char M1DIAG = 6; 
unsigned char M1OCM = A0;
// Declaring remapping for motor 2
unsigned char M2EN = 4;
unsigned char M2DIR = 8;
unsigned char M2PWM = 10;
unsigned char M2DIAG = 12; 
unsigned char M2OCM = A1;
// Declaring remapping for motor 3
unsigned char M3EN = 23;
unsigned char M3DIR = 27;
unsigned char M3PWM = 45;
unsigned char M3DIAG = 31; 
unsigned char M3OCM = A2;

// Just in case setup for motor 4
unsigned char M4EN = 25;
unsigned char M4DIR = 29;
unsigned char M4PWM = 46;
unsigned char M4DIAG = 33;
unsigned char M4OCM = A4;

// Command to perform remaps
DualTB9051FTGMotorShieldMod3230 md(M1EN,M1DIR,M1PWM,M1DIAG,M1OCM,M2EN,M2DIR,M2PWM,

// Declaring encoders
Encoder M1Encoder(2,3);  
Encoder M2Encoder(18,19);
Encoder M3Encoder(20,21);

// Orders variables
String inString;                     // Storage variable for receiving orders
float angleOrder;                    // Angle the arm will rotate to
float extOrder;                      // Distance the arm will extend to reach the dock
float completeTime;                  // Time that the operation will be completed in

// Hardware Constants
float motorGearRatio = 131;        // 131 RevsMotor/RevsShaft
float countsPerMotorRev = 64;      // 64 counts/RevsMotor                
float grabberGearRadius = .85;           // Radius of grabber gear in inches
float innerGearRadius = .54;             // Radius of inner gear in inches
float leverArm = 33.5;             // Distance of drive wheel from base in inches  
float wheelRadius = 1.37795276;    // Wheel radius in inches
float kp2 = 150;                    // Tuning variable for function
float kp3 = 80;
// Position tracking variables
float counts = 0;                  // Counts
float pos2 = 0;                    // Current encoder reading for motor 2
float pos3 = 0;                    // Current encoder reading for motor 3
float startTime = 0;               // Time the operation actually starts
float t2 = 0;                      // Current time
float tOld2 = 0;                   // Previous time
float t3 = 0;
float tOld3 = 0;
float deltaT = 0;                  // Difference between t & tOld
float shaftPos = 0;                // Current motor shaft position in radians
float armPos = 0;                  // Actual current arm position in degrees
float armExt = 0;                  // Actual current arm extension in inches
float M2 = 0;                      // Motor 2 power
float M3 = 0;                      // Motor 3 power
float omegaDesired;                // Desired rotational velocity
float velDesired;                  // Desired extension velocity
float extD;                        // Iteration desired extension variable
float angleD;                      // Iteration desired angle variable

void setup() {
  // Initializing communication
  Serial.begin(19200);  //Open serial communications with computer and wait for port to open:
  Serial2.begin(9600);  //Open serial communications with the other Arduino board
  //Initializing motors

void loop() {
  // Pull orders from Uno **********************************************************************
  if(Serial2.available() > 4){ //If the XBee has 5 or more bytes to read
    if(Serial2.read() != 255){ // If the first byte isn't 255
      // Flush the serial monitor
      while(Serial2.available() != 0){

      // Pull angle orders
      inString = Serial2.readStringUntil(',');  
      angleOrder = inString.toFloat();
      // DEBUGGING SERIAL PRINTS ------------------------------------------
      Serial.print("Arm will move to position ");
      Serial.println(" degrees");
      // DEBUGGING SERIAL PRINTS ------------------------------------------

      // Pull extension orders
      inString = Serial2.readStringUntil(',');
      extOrder = inString.toFloat();
      // DEBUGGING SERIAL PRINTS ------------------------------------------
      Serial.print("Arm will extend ");
      Serial.println(" inches");
      // DEBUGGING SERIAL PRINTS ------------------------------------------

      // Pull time orders
      inString = Serial2.readStringUntil(',');
      completeTime = inString.toFloat();
      // DEBUGGING SERIAL PRINTS ------------------------------------------
      Serial.print("Operation will finish in ");
      Serial.println(" seconds");
      // DEBUGGING SERIAL PRINTS ------------------------------------------
      completeTime = completeTime * 1000.0;

      // Flush out any remaining data in the serial buffer
      while(Serial2.available() != 0){

    // desired velocities
    velDesired = extOrder / completeTime;
    omegaDesired = (angleOrder - armPos) / completeTime;
    // recording the starting times
    tOld2 = millis();
    tOld3 = millis();
    startTime = millis();

    // DEBUGGING SERIALPRINTS ------------------------------
    // Serial.print("The operation start time is: ");
    // Serial.println(startTime);
    // Serial.print("The desired exention velocity in in/ms is: ");
    // Serial.println(velDesired, 15);
    // DEBUGGING SERIALPRINTS ------------------------------

  // Execute orders **********************************************************************************
  // Run motor 2
  t2 = millis();
  pos2 = M2Encoder.read();
  shaftPos = -1 * ((pos2 / (countsPerMotorRev * motorGearRatio)) * 2.0*PI);     // Position of the shaft in radians
  deltaT = t2 - tOld2;                                                        // Time difference between running the function in milliseconds
  tOld2 = t2;                                                                 // Updating the time
  armExt = shaftPos * innerGearRadius;                                        // Get the current extension of the arm in inches

  // Proportion control
  if(abs(extOrder) > abs(armExt)){
      extD = extD + velDesired * deltaT;
    extD = extOrder;
  if(abs(extOrder) < abs(armExt)){
    Serial.println("getting in here");
    extOrder = 0.0;
    shaftPos = 0.0;
    armExt = 0.0;
  M2 = kp2*(extD - armExt);
  // DEBUGGING SERIAL PRINTS  ------------------------------------------------------
  // Serial.print("Current Arm extension: ");
  // Serial.println(armExt);
  // Serial.print("The time difference is: ");
  // Serial.println(deltaT);
  // Serial.print("Desired velocity: ");
  // Serial.println(velDesired);
  // Serial.print("Desired extension value: ");
  // Serial.println(extD);
  // Serial.print("Motor power: ");
  // Serial.println(M2);
  // DEBUGGING SERIAL PRINTS  ------------------------------------------------------

  // Run motor 3
  t3 = millis();
  pos3 = M3Encoder.read();                                      
  shaftPos = (pos3 / (countsPerMotorRev * motorGearRatio)) * 2.0*PI;               // Position of the shaft in radians
  deltaT = t3 - tOld3;                                                             // Time difference between running the function in milliseconds    
  tOld3 = t3;                                                                      // Updating the time                                                              // Updating the position   
  armPos = shaftPos * (wheelRadius / leverArm) * (180 / PI);                       // Get the current position of the arm in degrees

  // Proportion control
  if((omegaDesired > 0 && angleOrder > armPos) || (omegaDesired < 0 && angleOrder < armPos)){
    angleD = angleD + omegaDesired * deltaT;
    angleD = angleOrder;
  M3 = kp3*(angleD - armPos);

  // DEBUGGING SERIAL PRINTS  ------------------------------------------------------
  // Serial.print("Current Arm Pos: ");
  // Serial.println(armPos);
  // Serial.print("The time difference is: ");
  // Serial.println(deltaT);
  // Serial.print("Iteration desired angle value: ");
  // Serial.println(angleD);
  // Serial.print("Motor power: ");
  // Serial.println(M3);
  // Serial.print("Ideration desired angle: ");
  // DEBUGGING SERIAL PRINTS  ------------------------------------------------------ 

The problem occurs here. The script works as intended and doesn't enter the if statement more than once.

  if(abs(extOrder) < abs(armExt)){
    Serial.println("Orders completed, resetting variables");
    extOrder = 0.0;
    shaftPos = 0.0;
    armExt = 0.0;

If I remove the serial.print()

  if(abs(extOrder) < abs(armExt)){
    Serial.println("Orders completed, resetting variables");
    extOrder = 0.0;
    shaftPos = 0.0;
    armExt = 0.0;

The script breaks, and it gets stuck entering the if() statement with each loop after the script carries out its first order. The only difference is whether or not the Serial.print() is there.
How does this happen, and how do I stop it??

Please post your whole sketch, using < CODE/ > tags when you do.

I did, It's the first of the 3 code blocks in the post.

Words, words and words.

Well, don't remove that print....

Slow down and give the overall picture. What's the big picture? What data is handled?

Do not cross post. This is a continuation of your previous thread on this exact same problem.

Same end result, but a different problem. I thought it deserved a new separate post because it is such a strange and unique issue compared to the original cause.

This is a sketch that lets me send orders to two motors and they will execute their orders and complete them at the same time. The if statement in question is meant to reset the tracked position of the motor its controlling (motor 2) to zero so that its next orders can be sent as a "move x distance from your current position".

The data being handled in this case is the current tracked position of the motor shaft, the position of the object it's moving, the current reading of the encoder, and the orders that the motor has.
The encoder reading determines the shaft position, which then determines the position of the object the motor is moving. This if statement is meant to reset everything when the previous orders have been completed to enable the behavior I described when the next set of orders are sent over. the absolute values in the if statement allow me to order the motor to move in both directions.
What I am confused on is how the Serial.print() is affecting the behavior of the sketch. This behavior implies that the Serial.print() is somehow changing the value of extArm, which shouldn't be the case. Why would this occur?

I also can't just leave it because this code will be implemented in another sketch on this project and that would make debugging in the future nearly impossible because it spams the serial monitor with the value of extArm

Too frequent Serial.print might fill the output buffer and cause the execution to be delayed waiting for output buffer place. In the mean time the motors might be running and once the position is checked there's an overrun.

How do You intend do document the project, the code? Don't do it by writing words, words and words, repeating Yourself.

There are tools, means, to do that. One way is using flow charts.

Debugging real time code calls for planning, strategies. Not easy but always possible.

Threads merged.

The situation you described would apply if there is a serial.print() but doesn't explain how the serialprint would be affecting the current value of extArm. Also the script breaks when the serialprint isn't there.

What do you mean by documenting? By documenting the project? Do you mean tracking changes? writing a report? using github?
Your mention of a flow chart makes me think you want one for how this sketch is supposed to work. Is that what you're asking for?