In this reply, posted by PaulS some time ago, is there anyway to limit the number of keypad entries for numbers and decimal point to 5 maximum? eg. 23.50. I only want a maximum number of 99.99. any further numeric key presses would result in the last number changing only
[void loop()
char key = keypad.getKey();
if(key != NO_KEY)
if(key == '*')
index = 0;
numbers[index] = '\0';
else if(key == 'D')
numbers[index++] = '.';
numbers[index] = '\0';
else if(key >= '0' && key <= '9')
numbers[index++] = key;
numbers[index] = '\0';
else if(key == '#')
float len = atof(numbers);
// Do whatever you need to with len
index = 0;
numbers[index] = '\0';