Environment check

I lost a few days because of changing errors. Reason where that I downloaded the V2 of the IDE without recognizing that it is not supported by my old MacOS version.
Why does the IDE is not checking at startup if the OS supported? This ist very simple and can avoid these situations.

So, how would this work, Whitelist or blacklist?

It sounds like a good idea. You are welcome to submit a formal feature request to the Arduino IDE developers here:


However, such a check will never guarantee full compatibility. The reason is Arduino IDE uses many tools. Each of those tools must be compatible with the operating system version in addition to the Arduino IDE application itself being compatible. Even if it was possible to coordinate the compatibility of the known tool dependencies (e.g., Arduino CLI, ctags, serial-discovery, serial-monitor), which would be quite challenging, each of the hundreds of Arduino boards platform may provide any number of arbitrary tools dependencies, and the operating system version compatibility of those tools is unknown. In my experience, it is most common that incompatibilities are in these platform tool dependencies.

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