Epson and motors

hi guys
i've found inside an old Epson all in one printer/scanner
4 motors
i think 2 are some kind of stepper motors EM-558 and EM-553 and the other 2 are something lie B5-13250 motors...

is it possible to control them with Arduino UNO?

Sure, you just the proper motor driver boards for the Arduino to interface with: Arduino outputs control signals, motor driver boards bumps that up to the voltages & currents needed to move the motors.
See any parts like in the printer? Power supply, chips that look hefty enough to power motors?

Sure, you just the proper motor driver boards for the Arduino to interface with: Arduino outputs control signals, motor driver boards bumps that up to the voltages & currents needed to move the motors.
See any parts like in the printer? Power supply, chips that look hefty enough to power motors?

i have all the parts of the printer here :slight_smile:
but honestly i have no idea about what can be useful for me .
the power supply was 40 volts

I took a cheap printer apart hoping to find a stepper motor but it only had a very cheap DC motor.

Look up the motor numbers on Google and see what you can find.

Post a photo of the motors here showing the numbers and the connecting wires.


here are some pictures

Images from Reply #4 so we don't have to download them. See this Image Guide

You do the hard work next time, PLEASE.


The flat motors may be stepper motors but i suspect the one in your fingers is just a bog-standard cheap DC motor.

I can't see from your pictures exactly how many wires come from the flat motors - it looks like there are 4 wires.

If it is a stepper motor two of the wires will go to one coil and two to the other. Measure the resistance between all the wires with your multimeter and write down the results.

Four-wire stepper motors are usually driven by specialized stepper driver such as the Pololu DRV8825. I leave it to you to decide whether your use for the motors, and the probability of getting them to work would justify the price of a stepper driver. It might be tempting to buy a very cheap stepper driver knock-off, but then you may have two unknowns on your hands.


Images from Reply #4 so we don't have to download them. See this Image Guide

You do the hard work next time, PLEASE.

i didn't know
sorry about that

I can't see from your pictures exactly how many wires come from the flat motors - it looks like there are 4 wires.

If it is a stepper motor two of the wires will go to one coil and two to the other. Measure the resistance between all the wires with your multimeter and write down the results.

Four-wire stepper motors are usually driven by specialized stepper driver such as the Pololu DRV8825. I leave it to you to decide whether your use for the motors, and the probability of getting them to work would justify the price of a stepper driver. It might be tempting to buy a very cheap stepper driver knock-off, but then you may have two unknowns on your hands.

thanks for your help Robin
i confirm you the stepper motors have 4 wires...
i will try to measure the resistance later
the point is: it worths to buy a driver for those motors or not?
at the moment the only stepper motor i have is the starter kit 28BYJ... with his easy-driver.

so... those 2 motors would be a little faster or precise than that one?
i've searched the web but found nothing.

do you think it's not possible to find some useful driver within the old epson pieces?

i confirm the other motor is a simple dc motor


no hope for the LCD?

no hope for the LCD?

What LCD?

My browser could only find the word LCD in your Reply #9

And I confess to knowing nothing about LCDs


What LCD?

My browser could only find the word LCD in your Reply #9

And I confess to knowing nothing about LCDs


if you have a look at the images you will see a lcd
very generic one

On the LCD, you have tactile buttons, harvest those and the LEDs.
The boards you discard, unsolder the white sockets and keep them with the cable and plug they belong to, they are good when you need quick multi wire connections.

Tom... :slight_smile: