Hi folks,
I have gotten hold of a stepper motor from an old Epson EPL6200 printer.
I only have some identification marks as follows:
MAS 2.7 ohm
i believe its bipolar as it has 4 wires.
I was planning on using it to open/close a feedvalve holding perhaps 5kg of feed.
I obviously need to know the specs so i can calculate the requirements.
I have read the stepper info written by Robin and intend to try the drum and string method.
I have had it running (not for long) using a 12v 500ma power supply via a L298N, with the stepper examples, but after a short while it jitters etc.
I realise that the L298N may not be the ideal driver, it was a spare i had to
A google search did'nt really throw up a great deal.
Any advice would be appreciated
April 27, 2016, 10:20am
Is that 2.7 ohm what you measure in each winding? If so this is a low-impedance motor,
needs current drive via a chopper driver like DRV8825.
DRV8825 drivers are so cheap on eBay these days its a no-brainer...
Hi Mark,
the 2.7 ohm is written on the label on the side. I've not measured the across the windings yet( had to order another multimeter)
I'll look into the DRV8825 driver if that fits the bill better.
April 27, 2016, 11:35am
About the first thing to do with any motor is measure the winding resistances - even if you thing
you know what it is, because nearly every motor made comes in variants with different
windings for use at different voltages, so you can be sure you have the correct variant and
you can be sure what the pin-out is for the windings (again variants come with different
coloured wires and pin outs - especially for bespoke motors like this).
With a secondhand motor you can also spot if the thing has a broken winding.
So i managed to coax my multimeter into life. I get 2.8 ohms across both windings. luckily the pairs are next to each other as the wires are all grey.
April 27, 2016, 7:02pm
You may find some useful stuff in
Stepper Motor Basics
and this
Simple Stepper Code
Hi Robin,
Thanks, i have red through those threads thanks for taking the time to put them together, along with the other contributors.
It's where i found the info on the L298N not being the most ideal driver and also the information for finding the torque.