This happened after I made a few changes while configuring ESP8266 module with Arduino. If anyone has any idea on how to solve it,a little help would great!
The error is caused by using Arduino AVR Boards 1.6.10 with Arduino IDE 1.6.6, they are incompatible. The solution is to either:
- Upgrade to Arduino IDE 1.6.7 or 1.6.8
- Install Arduino AVR Boards 1.6.9 using Boards Manager(Tools > Board > Boards Manager... > Arduino AVR Boards(click on it) > Select version > 1.6.9 > Install) - I've had problems reinstalling the previous Arduino AVR Boards version with Boards Manager so you may have to reinstall the Arduino IDE if you can't compile after going back to Arduino AVR Boards 1.6.9.
The Boards Manager one is working! Thanks a lot!