ERROR cannot be overloaded

I am new to using arduino and I keep getting this error about my class. I used a .h file and a .cpp file with multiple function

//.h file
#ifndef FIU_h 
#define FIU_h
#define FIU_h

#include <mcp_can.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#include "Arduino.h"

class FIU {


 FIU(int pinH, int pinL, int pinOp, int Voltage, int SBAT_Voltag ) {
  void normalOperation();
  void openLoad();
  void SBAT();
  void SGNS();
  void Voltage();
  void SBAT_Voltage();
  void SBAT_Current();
  bool OverCurrent;
  bool OverVoltage;

  int _pinH;
  int _pinL;
  int _pinOp;
  int _Voltage;
  int _SBAT_Current;
  int _SBAT_Voltage;
  int _SGND_Current;
  bool _OverCurrent;
  bool _OverVoltage;

// .cpp
#include "FIU.h"
#include "Arduino.h"
#include <mcp_can.h>
#include <SPI.h>

FIU::FIU(int pinH, int pinL, int pinOp, int Voltage, int SBAT_Voltag) {
  _pinH = pinH;
  _pinL = pinL;
  _pinOp = pinOp;

  pinMode(_pinH, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(_pinL, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(_pinOp, OUTPUT);

   _Voltage = Voltage;
  _SBAT_Voltage = SBAT_Voltage;

  pinMode(_Voltage, INPUT);
  pinMode(_SBAT_Voltage, INPUT);

//.cpp file
void FIU::normalOperation() {
  digitalWrite(_pinH, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(_pinL, LOW);
  digitalWrite(_pinOp, HIGH);

void FIU::openLoad() {
  digitalWrite(_pinH, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(_pinL, LOW);
  digitalWrite(_pinOp, LOW);

void FIU::SBAT() {
  digitalWrite(_pinH, LOW);
  digitalWrite(_pinL, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(_pinOp, LOW);

void FIU::SGND() {
  digitalWrite(_pinH, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(_pinL, LOW);
  digitalWrite(_pinOp, LOW);

//Voltage Measurments
void FIU::SBAT_Voltage() {
  Serial.println("Check Source Voltage");

  int value = analogRead(_SBAT_Voltage);


  float vout = (value * 5) / 1024.0; // convert to voltage

  if (vout > 0.014) {
    Serial.println("OVER VOLTAGE");
    digitalWrite(_pinH, LOW);
    digitalWrite(_pinL, LOW);
    digitalWrite(_pinOp, LOW);
  else if (vout == 0.0 || vout < 0.011) {
    Serial.println("UNDER VOLTAGE, Check fuse");
    digitalWrite(_pinH, LOW);
    digitalWrite(_pinL, LOW);
    digitalWrite(_pinOp, LOW);
  else {
    Serial.println("Voltage is good");

void FIU::Voltage() {
  Serial.println("Check Voltage at Load");

  int value = analogRead(_Voltage);


  float vout = (value * 5) / 1024.0; // convert to voltage

  if (vout > 0.012 && vout < 0.015 &&_pinH == HIGH &&_pinOp == HIGH) {
    Serial.println("Normal Operation No Fault is applied");
  else if (vout == 0.0 || vout < 0.011) {
    Serial.println("Fault Applied, no voltage to load");
  else {
    digitalWrite(_pinH, LOW);
    digitalWrite(_pinL, LOW);
//the error:
 'FIU::FIU(int, int, int, int, int)' cannot be overloaded

Welcome to the forum

Please post a sketch that uses the library and illustrates the error

Unusual place for function prototypes.

In your .h file why does the FIU() function contain definitions of functions ?

The sketch is a bit of copy paste from an existing code but I am using CANbus

//  define names for the 4 Digital pins On the Arduino   
// These data pins link to 4 Relay board pins IN1, IN2, IN3

#include <mcp_can.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#include "FIU.h"
#include "Arduino.h"

FIU Ch1(46, 48, 43, A14, A1);
int SerialNr = 0;
long unsigned int CANrx;
long unsigned int CANtx_States;
long unsigned int CANtx_Errors;
long unsigned int CANtx_Measure;
long unsigned int rxId;
unsigned char len = 0;
unsigned char rxBuf[8];
char msgString[128];                        // Array to store serial string
int timeout = 0;
int starttime = 0;
unsigned long startMillis;
unsigned long startMillis_I;
unsigned long currentMillis;
unsigned long currentMillis_I;
unsigned long LEDMillis;
const unsigned long can_send_period = 100;
int stateA = 0;
int fiu_mode[] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; 
int error[] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
int FIU_Error_Code[19];
bool FIU_HW_Start_Check = false;
int HW_Check_ctr = 0;
bool overcurrent = false;
bool overtemp = false;
bool CAN_Init_Error = false;
bool CAN_Tout = false;

#define CAN0_INT 2                              // Set INT to pin 2
MCP_CAN CAN0(53);  

#define DIP_1  43  
#define DIP_2  45  
#define DIP_4  41  
#define DIP_8  47
#define LED_1  22  
#define LED_2  24  

//Analog Inputs Define

//Current sensor
int VpA = 185; // Millivolt pro Ampere (100 fĂĽr 20A Modul und 66 fĂĽr 30A Modul)
int sensorwert1= 0;
int sensorwert2= 0;
int Nullpunkt1 = 2500; // Spannung in mV bei dem keine Stromstärke vorhanden ist
int Nullpunkt2 = 2500; // Spannung in mV bei dem keine Stromstärke vorhanden ist

int Lernwert1 = 0;
int Lernwert2 = 0;
double SensorSpannung1 = 0;
double SensorSpannung2 = 0;
double Ampere1 = 0;
double Ampere2 = 0;
int mAmpere1 = 0;
int mAmpere2 = 0;
uint8_t LSB1 = 0;
uint8_t MSB1 = 0;
uint8_t LSB2 = 0;
uint8_t MSB2 = 0;
int mAmpere1_neu = 2500;
int mAmpere1_alt = 2500;
int mAmpere2_neu = 2500;
int mAmpere2_alt = 2500;
bool adapt_current_mesaurement = false;
unsigned long startMillis_adapt = 0;
int Sens_Curl1;

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:
  // Initialise the Arduino data pins for OUTPUT

//Get Serial Nr.     
//SerialNr = !digitalRead(DIP_1) + !digitalRead(DIP_2)*2 + !digitalRead(DIP_4)*4 + !digitalRead(DIP_8)*8; //for new version with mechanical version selector
SerialNr = 0; //for old Version without version selector on board

switch (SerialNr){
  case 0:
    CANrx         = 0x100;
    CANtx_States  = 0x700;
    CANtx_Errors  = 0x701;
    CANtx_Measure = 0x702;

  case 1:
    CANrx         = 0x101;
    CANtx_States  = 0x710;
    CANtx_Errors  = 0x711;
    CANtx_Measure = 0x712;
  case 2:
    CANrx         = 0x102;
    CANtx_States  = 0x720;
    CANtx_Errors  = 0x721;
    CANtx_Measure = 0x722;
  case 3:
    CANrx         = 0x103;
    CANtx_States  = 0x730;
    CANtx_Errors  = 0x731;
    CANtx_Measure = 0x732;
  case 4:
    CANrx         = 0x104;
    CANtx_States  = 0x740;
    CANtx_Errors  = 0x741;
    CANtx_Measure = 0x742;
  case 5:
    CANrx         = 0x105;
    CANtx_States  = 0x750;
    CANtx_Errors  = 0x751;
    CANtx_Measure = 0x752;
  // Initialize MCP2515 running at 8MHz with a baudrate of 500kb/s
  if(CAN0.begin(MCP_ANY, CAN_500KBPS, MCP_16MHZ) == CAN_OK)
    Serial.println("MCP2515 Initialized Successfully!");
    CAN_Init_Error = true;
    Serial.println("Error Initializing MCP2515...");

  CAN0.setMode(MCP_NORMAL);                     // Set operation mode to normal so the MCP2515 sends acks to received data.

  pinMode(CAN0_INT, INPUT);                            // Configuring pin for /INT input
  Serial.println("MCP2515 CAN BUS Receiver");

// Data sent by CAN BUS
startMillis = millis();

byte data_send[8] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
byte data_send_2[8] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
byte data_send_3[8] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
byte ctr_send = 0;

void loop() {

  //read Current sensors

sensorwert1 = analogRead(Sens_Cur1);
SensorSpannung1 = (sensorwert1 / 1024.0) * 200; // Hier wird der Messwert in den Spannungswert am Sensor umgewandelt.
Ampere1 = ((SensorSpannung1 - Nullpunkt1) / VpA); // Im zweiten Schritt wird hier die Stromstärke berechnet.
mAmpere1 = (Ampere1 * 1000)+2500;

mAmpere1_alt = mAmpere1_neu;
mAmpere1_neu = 0.1 * mAmpere1 + 0.9 * mAmpere1_alt;

sensorwert2 = analogRead(Sens_Cur2);
SensorSpannung2 = (sensorwert2 / 1024.0) * 200; // Hier wird der Messwert in den Spannungswert am Sensor umgewandelt.
Ampere2 = ((SensorSpannung2 - Nullpunkt2) / VpA); // Im zweiten Schritt wird hier die Stromstärke berechnet.
mAmpere2 = (Ampere2 * 1000)+2500;

mAmpere2_alt = mAmpere2_neu;
mAmpere2_neu = 0.1 * mAmpere2 + 0.90 * mAmpere2_alt;

    MSB1 = (mAmpere1_neu >> 8);    // bits 8 to 15
    LSB1 = (mAmpere1_neu);    // bits 0 to 7
    MSB2 = (mAmpere2_neu >> 8);    // bits 8 to 15
    LSB2 = (mAmpere2_neu);    // bits 0 to 7

data_send_3[0] = LSB1;
data_send_3[1] = MSB1;
data_send_3[2] = LSB2;
data_send_3[3] = MSB2;

if((4000 < (mAmpere1_neu-2500) or (mAmpere1_neu-2500) < -4000 or 4000 < (mAmpere2_neu-2500) or (mAmpere2_neu-2500) < -4000))
    if(startMillis_I == 0)
      startMillis_I = millis();
    currentMillis_I = millis();

    if(currentMillis_I - startMillis_I >= 600)
      overcurrent = true;
      startMillis_I = 0;
      digitalWrite(_pinH, LOW);
      digitalWrite(_pinL, LOW);
if((-50 < (mAmpere1_neu-2500)) and ((mAmpere1_neu-2500) < 50) and (-50 < (mAmpere2_neu-2500)) and ((mAmpere2_neu-2500) < 50) and overcurrent == true) //Reset overcurrent flg
  overcurrent = false;


if((true and fiu_mode[0] == 0) and (fiu_mode[1] == 0) and (fiu_mode[2] == 0) and (fiu_mode[3] == 0) and (fiu_mode[4] == 0) and (fiu_mode[5] == 0) and (fiu_mode[6] == 0) and (fiu_mode[7] == 0)) //Adaptiere Nullpunkt der Strommessung
  if(startMillis_adapt == 0)
  startMillis_adapt = millis();

  if((millis() - startMillis_adapt) > 100)

  Lernwert1 = ((mAmpere1_neu - 2500))/10;
  Nullpunkt1 = max(min(Nullpunkt1 + Lernwert1, 2550),2450);
  startMillis_adapt = 0;

  Lernwert2 = ((mAmpere2_neu - 2500))/10;
  Nullpunkt2 = max(min(Nullpunkt2 + Lernwert2, 2550),2450);
  startMillis_adapt = 0;


  currentMillis = millis();
  if(HW_Check_ctr == 0)
  HW_Check_ctr = 1;
  FIU_HW_Start_Check = HW_Error_active();

  if(currentMillis - startMillis >= 100)
      ctr_send = ctr_send +1;
      if(ctr_send >= 15)
       ctr_send = 0;
    data_send_2[7] = ctr_send;
  CAN0.sendMsgBuf(CANtx_States, 0, 8, data_send);
  CAN0.sendMsgBuf(CANtx_Errors, 0, 8, data_send_2);
  CAN0.sendMsgBuf(CANtx_Measure, 0, 8, data_send_3);

  startMillis = millis();

  if(!digitalRead(CAN0_INT))                         // If CAN0_INT pin is low, read receive buffer

    CAN0.readMsgBuf(&rxId, &len, rxBuf);      // Read data: len = data length, buf = data byte(s)

if(rxId == CANrx)
    CAN_Tout = false;
    timeout = 0;
    starttime = 0;
    Serial.println("Received msg " + rxId);

if(true) //SigA
if(stateA == 0 and (rxBuf[0] & 0x01) and !(rxBuf[0] & 0x02) and !(rxBuf[0] & 0x04) and !SCG_active() and !Error_active())
  stateA = 1;
if(stateA == 0 and !(rxBuf[0] & 0x01) and (rxBuf[0] & 0x02) and !(rxBuf[0] & 0x04) and !OL_active() and !Error_active())
  stateA = 2;
if(stateA == 0 and !(rxBuf[0] & 0x01) and !(rxBuf[0] & 0x02) and (rxBuf[0] & 0x04) and !Error_active())
  stateA = 3;

if(((rxBuf[0] & 0x01) and (rxBuf[0] & 0x02)) or ((rxBuf[0] & 0x01) and (rxBuf[0] & 0x04)) or ((rxBuf[0] & 0x02) and (rxBuf[0] & 0x04)) or overcurrent == true)
  error[0] = 1;
  stateA = 4;

switch(stateA) {
  case 0:
     data_send[0] = 0;
  case 1:
     fiu_mode[0] = 1;
     data_send[0] = 1;
  case 2:
     fiu_mode[0] = 2;
     Serial.println("Case = 2");
     data_send[0] = 2; 
  case 3:
     fiu_mode[0] = 4;
     data_send[0] = 4;
    if(starttime == 0)
      starttime = millis();
      timeout = millis() - starttime;

bool OL_active()
  bool result;
     if((fiu_mode[0] == 1) or (fiu_mode[1] == 1) or (fiu_mode[2] == 1) or (fiu_mode[3] == 1) or (fiu_mode[4] == 1) or (fiu_mode[5] == 1) or (fiu_mode[6] == 1) or (fiu_mode[7] == 1))
      result = true;
      result = false;

     return result;

bool SCG_active()
  bool result;
     if((fiu_mode[0] == 2) or (fiu_mode[1] == 2) or (fiu_mode[2] == 2) or (fiu_mode[3] == 2) or (fiu_mode[4] == 2) or (fiu_mode[5] == 2) or (fiu_mode[6] == 2) or (fiu_mode[7] == 2))
      result = true;
      result = false;
     return result;

bool SCB_active()
  bool result;
     if((fiu_mode[0] == 4) or (fiu_mode[1] == 4) or (fiu_mode[2] == 4) or (fiu_mode[3] == 4) or (fiu_mode[4] == 4) or (fiu_mode[5] == 4) or (fiu_mode[6] == 4) or (fiu_mode[7] == 4))
      result = true;
      result = false;
     return result;

bool Error_active()
  bool result;
     if((error[0] != 0) or (error[1] != 0) or (error[2] != 0) or (error[3] != 0) or (error[4] != 0) or (error[5] != 0) or (error[6] != 0) or (error[7] != 0))
      result = true;
      result = false;

     return result;

bool PinDiagOk(int Pin, int low, int high)
  bool diag_status = false;
     for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
       if((analogRead(Pin) >= low) and analogRead(Pin) <= high)
        diag_status = true;
     return diag_status;

I watched a video, I thought that was the correct placement

I am no expert on classes but it looks wrong to me

Hi, @erikah_0400
Welcome to the form.

Can you explain what your application is?
Why do you need to write a library, FIU?

What model Arduino are you using?

Thanks.. Tom.. :smiley::+1: :coffee: :australia:

Reading a book would probably be better.


Hi! I am using the Arduino Mega 2560. I will be using the Arduino to drive MOSFETS Gate for 6 different channels. My thoughts were to create a class and function to switch the different MOSFETs since the code is the same for all six channels but with different pins. Right now, I am using just one channel to test if it works.

Did you post all of the .h file?
You don't seem to have properly matching brace pairs

Are you familiar with the use of class definitions in the C++ programming language?

Why not just make a function in your main code, rather than going to the trouble of a library?

Can I suggest you do this in some code ALL on its own and get it working, before trying it with the rest of your code.

Do your programming in stages, each stage JUST tests and proves a separate item of I/O.

Then when you have them ALL functioning put them together one at a time.

Do you need all the canbus code to prove your library?

Tom.. :smiley: :+1: :coffee: :australia:

Thank you! I will give it a try. I have to verify that the CANbus and the Arduino can communicate.

Your declaration of the class contructor has incorrect syntax;

try this:
FIU(int pinH, int pinL, int pinOp, int Voltage, int SBAT_Voltag );

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