I'm using a genuino micro and an ethernet shield 2 (w5500 — ethernet2.h) and when i verify/upload my sketch i receive a bunch of error message (attach as a text file).
it's the same code i already used with an uno and an ethernet shield (w5100) - normally compatible.
1st, my IDE tell me the ethernet2.h was missing, so i update to the last IDE (1.8.5), at my surprised ethernet2.h was still missing (was thinking it was included with now !!!), so I get it from github-adafruit and put it on my library.
Ethernet2.h is now included but receive lot of error message. look like there is some conflict with OSCuino, but also problem with the ethernet2 lib...
if i change back to Ethernet.h, no error message...
if you have any idea where the problem from !!!
i attached my code too, for help you get a full picture...
thanks for your help
Motor_4x_OSC.ino (2.6 KB)