I have a problem with my board not getting my program, this been going on for me more then a year now.
what it is doing when i sent a the program in i get this message in the first of the picture i have on the bottom.
The Tools setting looks like the second picture on the bottom.
That is the message i get every time, here are four picture of my arduino connected to both LED and my laptop.
I would be very happy if some one can tell me what did i did wrong, i really wont to build stuff with this.
please help me to move on with this project.
My mission at this time is to program LED to blink when i wont them to.
Very simple basic
i use to do it but something change.
it all started when i try to build my on arduino and program another ATmega328 chip with the help with the same board.
Dont thank that is the problem, i just bolt a new arduino and it still doing the same thing.
Thank you for your time to check this and hope to hear from some one soon.
No pictures showing. Is it a compile error or an upload error?
Further remember that we can't easily work with pictures of text (e.g. the error message); just copy (there is a button at the right just above the output pane) and paste.
Your post is lacking details like
operating system and version
ide version
details of the board(s); might be clear from the picture that is missing but posting in text is a lot easier
is board an original or clone
I typed the above while you posted a new message with some details. I suggest that you uninstall the windows store version (it's known to be a little buggy at times). After that you might have to follow additional cleanup instructions.
That message about the "build.board" not being defined is the symptom of a botched attempt at modifying the included Arduino AVR board package. "Likely by following instructions written for a much older version of Arduino.
In and of itself that is not a problem - however, considering that you have a wacky error message implying some sort of abomination-crawling-in-from-the-depths-of-hell toolchain problem, I an suspicious that this failed attempt at modifying your build environment is the cause of that issue as well.
Uninstall all copies of the Arduino IDE.
Make a back up of C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Local\Arduino15, and then delete it. Reinstall the Arduino IDE, use the latest version, 1.8.13 downloaded from the Software link at the top (don't mess with the stupid windows store package; "app stores" are not a viable way to obtain software for real computers)
That message about the "build.board" not being defined is the symptom of a botched attempt at modifying the included Arduino AVR board package.
This warning is for the "breadboard" boards package that accompanies the "Minimal Circuit (Eliminating the External Clock)" of this tutorial:
So that warning is normal and expected and doesn't have anything to do with the real error.
That's not to argue against DrAzzy's advice. But I just want it to be understood that even after doing that you're still going to be getting the "Warning: Board breadboard:avr:atmega328bb doesn't define a 'build.board' preference. Auto-set to: AVR_ATMEGA328BB".
Upload again; use the button 'copy error message' at the right above the output pane.
Post the result AS TEXT. If it's too big, put it in a text file (not PDF or Word) and attach to a post. To see the attachment option, use the reply button, not the quick reply box.
Post the result AS TEXT. If it's too big, put it in a text file (not PDF or Word) and attach to a post. To see the attachment option, use the reply button, not the quick reply box.