Hi guys. This is my second post on the forum and I was wondering if you guys could help me out. I just got an Arduino Nano and I made the code and uploaded it when I got an error message stating "Error Compiling for Board Arduino Nano". I don't know what the problem is. In the past, I had the same message on my Arduino Uno and it ended up being plugged into a port that you have to unplug before use. I don't think this is the same problem though.
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In file included from C:\Users\riley\Documents\Arduino\Bluetooth_light\Bluetooth_light.ino:7:0:
C:\Users\riley\Documents\Arduino\libraries\1199900-67dacfe7ca9082146b259bff330daa5ea5b15146/bitmap.h:4:18: fatal error: string: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
exit status 1
Error compiling for board Arduino Nano.
This report would have more information with
"Show verbose output during compilation"
option enabled in File -> Preferences.
Please post a link to where you downloaded the library (C:\Users\riley\Documents\Arduino\libraries\1199900-67dacfe7ca9082146b259bff330daa5ea5b15146) from.
The library that contains bitmap.h. You most likely downloaded a .zip file named 1199900-67dacfe7ca9082146b259bff330daa5ea5b15146.zip and then installed it via Sketch > Include Library > Add .ZIP Library. From that folder name, it looks like you might have downloaded it from Instructables.
What library? I can show you the code. I also don't know where to get some of the libraries so any help on that would help. Thanks!!
Ya, you may, or may not post your code, but the most obvious reason of this error is that the library is either corrupted, or wrongly included in your directory. For adding libraries, the "Install from .zip" option on the Arduino IDE is not very reliable. Kindly make a clean install of your IDE, if you feel that such erroneously linked libraries are there on your PC, then download the .zip file of the library from the source you have downloaded from. Extract it in a folder, and name it appropriately, so that you will recognise the library later. Make sure the folder do not have another sub-folder in it, and then the source files. The library folder should be YOUR_NAMED_FOLDER->src/examples folders-> .c and .h files . Then put the YOUR_NAMED_FOLDER with all files in it in C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\libraries if your Arduino IDE is installed on the C drive (windows) or the parent folder accordingly. Then restart the Arduino IDE. Your libraries will get linked automatically.
the most obvious reason of this error is that the library is either corrupted, or wrongly included in your directory.
The most obvious reason for the error is that it's being compiled for a board it's not compatible with. Likely there would have been documentation about which boards/architectures the library was written for in the documenation, which is why I wanted the link.
For adding libraries, the "Install from .zip" option on the Arduino IDE is not very reliable.
Please provide details about this unreliability. I've been using it frequently for the last 7 years and I can't remember every experiencing unreliability.
What I have experienced is helping many people here on the forum who attempted to manually install a library, did something wrong, and had problems.
Make sure the folder do not have another sub-folder in it, and then the source files.
What about the many libraries that use the 1.5 Arduino Library format?
The library folder should be YOUR_NAMED_FOLDER->src/examples folders-> .c and .h files .
Then put the YOUR_NAMED_FOLDER with all files in it in C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\libraries if your Arduino IDE is installed on the C drive (windows) or the parent folder accordingly.
That's a bad idea because everything in that folder will be lost every time you update to a new version of the Arduino IDE. You should always install libraries to the libraries subfolder of your sketchbook folder. You can find the location of your sketchbook folder in the Arduino IDE at File > Preferences > Sketchbook location. That is the location where libraries installed via the Arduino IDE's Sketch > Include Library > Add .ZIP Library or Library Manager are installed.