Error compiling for board Arduino Uno

heyo. i'm currently sitting on a little project and so far it seems okay but now i get the error "Error compiling for board Arduino Uno."
idk what i should do, can anybody help me?


#include <Wire.h>
#include <Conceptinetics.h>
#include <TM1637Display.h>
#include <EEPROM.h>

// Pins for the buttons
const int buttonMinusPin = A0; // Change to analog pin
const int buttonPlusPin = A1;  // Change to analog pin

// Pins for the TM1637 Display
const int CLK = 2; // Pin for CLK
const int DIO = 3; // Pin for DIO

// Variables for the buttons
int lastButtonMinusState = HIGH;
int lastButtonPlusState = HIGH;
unsigned long lastDebounceTimeMinus = 0;
unsigned long lastDebounceTimePlus = 0;
unsigned long debounceDelay = 50;

unsigned long buttonPressStartTimeMinus = 0;
unsigned long buttonPressStartTimePlus = 0;
bool isButtonPressedMinus = false;
bool isButtonPressedPlus = false;

// DMX Slave object
#define DMX_SLAVE_CHANNELS 3 // Number of DMX channels
#define RXEN_PIN 2           // RXEN Pin (receive enable)

DMX_Slave dmx_slave(DMX_SLAVE_CHANNELS, RXEN_PIN); // Create DMX Slave object

// TM1637 Display object
TM1637Display display(CLK, DIO);

// EEPROM memory address for DMX address
const int eepromAddress = 0;

void setup() {
  Wire.begin(); // Start I2C
  Serial.begin(9600); // Start serial communication
  pinMode(buttonMinusPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(buttonPlusPin, INPUT_PULLUP);

  // Initialize DMX Slave
  dmx_slave.enable(); // Enable DMX Slave
  dmx_slave.setStartAddress(1); // Set start address for DMX
  // Initialize TM1637 Display
  display.setBrightness(0x0f); // Maximum brightness

void loop() {
  // Receive DMX data
  int dmxAddress = 1; // Change to the corresponding channel number
  int dmxValue = dmx_slave.getChannelValue(dmxAddress);
  display.showNumberDec(dmxValue, true);
  // Map DMX values to PWM values
  int pwmValue = map(dmxValue, 0, 255, 0, 1023);
  // Send PWM values I2C
  sendPWMValues(pwmValue, pwmValue, pwmValue);
  // Debug output
  Serial.print("DMX Channel ");
  Serial.print(": ");
  // Delay for control of update speed

void handleButtonPresses() {
  int buttonMinusState = analogRead(buttonMinusPin) < 512 ? LOW : HIGH;
  int buttonPlusState = analogRead(buttonPlusPin) < 512 ? LOW : HIGH;
  unsigned long currentTime = millis();
  // Minus button
  if (buttonMinusState == LOW && lastButtonMinusState == HIGH) {
    lastDebounceTimeMinus = currentTime;
    buttonPressStartTimeMinus = currentTime;
    isButtonPressedMinus = true;
  } else if (buttonMinusState == HIGH && lastButtonMinusState == LOW) {
    if (isButtonPressedMinus && currentTime - buttonPressStartTimeMinus >= debounceDelay) {
      int currentAddress = dmx_slave.getStartAddress();
      dmx_slave.setStartAddress(max(1, currentAddress - 1));
      EEPROM.write(eepromAddress, dmx_slave.getStartAddress());
      isButtonPressedMinus = false;
  } else if (buttonMinusState == LOW && isButtonPressedMinus && currentTime - buttonPressStartTimeMinus >= 1000) {
    if (currentTime - buttonPressStartTimeMinus >= 100) {
      int currentAddress = dmx_slave.getStartAddress();
      dmx_slave.setStartAddress(max(1, currentAddress - 1));
      EEPROM.write(eepromAddress, dmx_slave.getStartAddress());
      buttonPressStartTimeMinus = currentTime;
  lastButtonMinusState = buttonMinusState;
  // Plus button
  if (buttonPlusState == LOW && lastButtonPlusState == HIGH) {
    lastDebounceTimePlus = currentTime;
    buttonPressStartTimePlus = currentTime;
    isButtonPressedPlus = true;
  } else if (buttonPlusState == HIGH && lastButtonPlusState == LOW) {
    if (isButtonPressedPlus && currentTime - buttonPressStartTimePlus >= debounceDelay) {
      int currentAddress = dmx_slave.getStartAddress();
      dmx_slave.setStartAddress(min(512 - DMX_SLAVE_CHANNELS + 1, currentAddress + 1));
      EEPROM.write(eepromAddress, dmx_slave.getStartAddress());
      isButtonPressedPlus = false;
  } else if (buttonPlusState == LOW && isButtonPressedPlus && currentTime - buttonPressStartTimePlus >= 1000) {
    if (currentTime - buttonPressStartTimePlus >= 100) {
      int currentAddress = dmx_slave.getStartAddress();
      dmx_slave.setStartAddress(min(512 - DMX_SLAVE_CHANNELS + 1, currentAddress + 1));
      EEPROM.write(eepromAddress, dmx_slave.getStartAddress());
      buttonPressStartTimePlus = currentTime;
  lastButtonPlusState = buttonPlusState;

void sendPWMValues(int pwmValue1, int pwmValue2, int pwmValue3) {
  Wire.write(pwmValue1); // Send PWM value for pin 1
  Wire.write(pwmValue2); // Send PWM value for pin 2
  Wire.write(pwmValue3); // Send PWM value for pin 3
  Wire.write(pwmValue1); // Send PWM value for pin 1
  Wire.write(pwmValue2); // Send PWM value for pin 2
  Wire.write(pwmValue3); // Send PWM value for pin 3

you probably get more than that

can you paste the full output of the compiler's message (using code tags)?

Most probably this library is not ported to an Uno. Check the hardware requirements of that library.

I had checked and if it's that one, then it claims it is

it's this here

HardwareSerial0.cpp.o (symbol from plugin): In function `Serial':
(.text+0x0): multiple definition of `__vector_18'
libraries\Conceptinetics\Conceptinetics.cpp.o (symbol from plugin):(.text+0x0): first defined here
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
exit status 1
Error compiling for board Arduino Uno.

tried also with dmxserial and dmx.h but the same error occurs

In the context of microcontrollers, __vector_18 would represent a specific interrupt vector associated with a particular interrupt source. Here it seems two modules want to take control of this vector - probably USART.

what could i do against that?
"funny" thing is i made a different project like 2 3 months ago with pretty much the same and never had that error...

try not doing Serial.begin() and not printing anything out to see if it changes anything

(add leds if or an LCD if you need to have some debug signals)

that worked, thanks a lot :sweat_smile:

Such severe restrictions should be mentioned in the library info.

agreed !