Error compiling for board Teensy 3.2/3.1

I'm trying to verify and upload this program to my Teensy 3.2 but it gives this error:

This is the .ino file I am using:

I'm not very experienced with this so I apologise if I have made a stupid error. It is certainly not a system resource problem as I have a powerful gaming PC.

Do you have an Arduino board (e.g., Uno, Nano, etc.) to make sure the IDE is properly installed, like compiling and running the Blink program? I've never had a problem compiling with a Teensy 3.0 - 3.6.

No, unfortunately, I don't. The Teensy is my first board. How would I go about ensuring the IDE is correctly installed, shall I just uninstall then reinstall or is there a troubleshooting tool I could use?

Did you also download and install the Teensy addon, as found here:

Teensyduino: Download and Install Teensy support into the Arduino IDE.

That compiled for me on a Teensy 3.2 using Arduino 1.6.13 and TeensyDuino 1.13 beta 1 using Keyboard only (which might be your problem).

P.S. You'd be better off asking questions about Teensy on the Teensy forum: PJRC (Teensy) Forum

Yes, I did and I just uninstalled and reinstalled everything and everything is working fine now. No idea why it wasn't before but a quick reinstall seemed to fix it.