error compiling for esp32 dev module

I was uploading a code to the esp32 and an error was always popping up that ther is a error compiling for eps32 dev module.

Please help.

this is the error

In file included from C:\Users\PC\Documents\Arduino\dht11_esp32\dht11_esp32.ino:8:0:
Multiple libraries were found for "WiFi.h"
C:\Users\PC\Documents\Arduino\libraries\ESPAsyncWebServer-master\src/ESPAsyncWebServer.h:33:22: fatal error: AsyncTCP.h: No such file or directory
Used: C:\Users\PC\Documents\Arduino\hardware\espressif\esp32\libraries\WiFi
compilation terminated.
Not used: C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\libraries\WiFi
exit status 1
Error compiling for board ESP32 Dev Module.