I apologize if this is a trivial error on my part. Coding isn't my forte.
I'm getting the following error (on the cpp file) when trying to compile the FreqCounter sample program and library found here:
Not really sure what to make of it. Any idea? Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
FreqCounter.cpp:40: error: 'FreqCounter' has not been declared
FreqCounter.cpp:42: error: 'FreqCounter' has not been declared
FreqCounter.cpp:43: error: 'FreqCounter' has not been declared
FreqCounter.cpp:44: error: 'FreqCounter' has not been declared
FreqCounter.cpp:45: error: 'FreqCounter' has not been declared
FreqCounter.cpp:46: error: 'FreqCounter' has not been declared
FreqCounter.cpp:48: error: 'FreqCounter' has not been declared
FreqCounter.cpp: In function 'void start(int)':
FreqCounter.cpp:53: error: 'TIMSK0' was not declared in this scope
FreqCounter.cpp:53: error: 'TOIE0' was not declared in this scope
FreqCounter.cpp:54: error: 'delayMicroseconds' was not declared in this scope
FreqCounter.cpp:62: error: 'TCCR1A' was not declared in this scope
FreqCounter.cpp:63: error: 'TCCR1B' was not declared in this scope
FreqCounter.cpp:64: error: 'TCNT1' was not declared in this scope
FreqCounter.cpp:68: error: 'CS10' was not declared in this scope
FreqCounter.cpp:69: error: 'CS11' was not declared in this scope
FreqCounter.cpp:70: error: 'CS12' was not declared in this scope
FreqCounter.cpp:73: error: 'TCCR2A' was not declared in this scope
FreqCounter.cpp:74: error: 'TCCR2B' was not declared in this scope
FreqCounter.cpp:77: error: 'CS20' was not declared in this scope
FreqCounter.cpp:78: error: 'CS21' was not declared in this scope
FreqCounter.cpp:79: error: 'CS22' was not declared in this scope
FreqCounter.cpp:82: error: 'WGM20' was not declared in this scope
FreqCounter.cpp:83: error: 'WGM21' was not declared in this scope
FreqCounter.cpp:84: error: 'WGM22' was not declared in this scope
FreqCounter.cpp:85: error: 'OCR2A' was not declared in this scope
FreqCounter.cpp:89: error: 'GTCCR' was not declared in this scope
FreqCounter.cpp:89: error: 'PSRASY' was not declared in this scope
FreqCounter.cpp:90: error: 'TCNT2' was not declared in this scope
FreqCounter.cpp:93: error: 'TIMSK2' was not declared in this scope
FreqCounter.cpp:93: error: 'OCIE2A' was not declared in this scope
FreqCounter.cpp: At global scope:
FreqCounter.cpp:104: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before '(' token
// Frequency Counter Lib example
Martin Nawrath KHM LAB3
Kunsthochschule f¸r Medien Kˆln
Academy of Media Arts
#include <FreqCounter.h>
unsigned long frq;
int cnt;
int pinLed=13;
void setup() {
pinMode(pinLed, OUTPUT);
Serial.begin(115200); // connect to the serial port
Serial.println("Frequency Counter");
void loop() {
// wait if any serial is going on
FreqCounter::f_comp=10; // Cal Value / Calibrate with professional Freq Counter
FreqCounter::start(100); // 100 ms Gate Time
while (FreqCounter::f_ready == 0)
Serial.print(" Freq: ");
digitalWrite(pinLed,!digitalRead(pinLed)); // blink Led
FreqCounter.h -
Using Counter1 for counting Frequency on T1 / PD5 / digitalPin 5
Using Timer2 for Gatetime generation
Martin Nawrath KHM LAB3
Kunsthochschule f�r Medien K�ln
Academy of Media Arts
Dec/08 - V1.0
Oct/10 - V1.1 removed occasional glitches through interference with
Jan/12 - V1.2 Arduino 1.0
set intterrupt timebase to 1ms
works with atmega328
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include <FreqCounter.h>
unsigned long FreqCounter::f_freq;
volatile unsigned char FreqCounter::f_ready;
volatile unsigned char FreqCounter::f_mlt;
volatile unsigned int FreqCounter::f_tics;
volatile unsigned int FreqCounter::f_period;
volatile unsigned int FreqCounter::f_comp;
void FreqCounter::start(int ms) {
#if defined (__AVR_ATmega168__) || defined (__AVR_ATmega48__) || defined (__AVR_ATmega88__) || defined (__AVR_ATmega328P__) || (__AVR_ATmega1280__)
TIMSK0 &=~(1<<TOIE0); // disable Timer0 //disable millis and delay
delayMicroseconds(50); // wait if any ints are pending
if (f_comp ==0) f_comp=1; // 0 is not allowed in del us
// hardware counter setup ( refer atmega168.pdf chapter 16-bit counter1)
TCCR1A=0; // reset timer/counter1 control register A
TCCR1B=0; // reset timer/counter1 control register A
TCNT1=0; // counter value = 0
// set timer/counter1 hardware as counter , counts events on pin T1 ( arduino pin 5)
// normal mode, wgm10 .. wgm13 = 0
TCCR1B |= (1<<CS10) ;// External clock source on T1 pin. Clock on rising edge.
TCCR1B |= (1<<CS11) ;
TCCR1B |= (1<<CS12) ;
// timer2 setup / is used for frequency measurement gatetime generation
// timer 2 presaler set to 128 / timer 2 clock = 16Mhz / 256 = 62500 Hz
TCCR2B |= (1<<CS20) ;
TCCR2B &= ~(1<<CS21) ;
TCCR2B |= (1<<CS22) ;
//set timer2 to CTC Mode with OCR2A is top counter value
TCCR2A &= ~(1<<WGM20) ;
TCCR2A |= (1<<WGM21) ;
TCCR2A &= ~(1<<WGM22) ;
OCR2A = 124; // CTC divider by 125
f_ready=0; // reset period measure flag
f_tics=0; // reset interrupt counter
GTCCR = (1<<PSRASY); // reset presacler counting
TCNT2=0; // timer2=0
TCNT1=0; // Counter1 = 0
TIMSK2 |=(1<<OCIE2A); // enable Timer2 Interrupt
// External clock source on T1 pin. Clock on rising edge.
TCCR1B |= (1<<CS12) | (1<<CS11) | (1<<CS10); // start counting now
// Timer2 Interrupt Service is invoked by hardware Timer2 every 1ms = 1000 Hz
// 16Mhz / 128 / 125 = 1000 Hz
// here the gatetime generation for freq. measurement takes place:
// multiple 2ms = gate time = 100 ms
if (FreqCounter::f_tics >= FreqCounter::f_period) {
// end of gate time, measurement ready
// GateCalibration Value, set to zero error with reference frequency counter
// delayMicroseconds(FreqCounter::f_comp); // 0.01=1/ 0.1=12 / 1=120 sec
TCCR1B = TCCR1B & ~7; // Gate Off / Counter T1 stopped
TIMSK2 &= ~(1<<OCIE2A); // disable Timer2 Interrupt
TIMSK0 |=(1<<TOIE0); // enable Timer0 again // millis and delay
FreqCounter::f_ready=1; // set global flag for end count period
// calculate now frequeny value
FreqCounter::f_freq=0x10000 * FreqCounter::f_mlt; // mult #overflows by 65636
FreqCounter::f_freq += TCNT1; // add counter1 value
FreqCounter::f_tics++; // count number of interrupt events
if (TIFR1 & 1) { // if Timer/Counter 1 overflow flag
FreqCounter::f_mlt++; // count number of Counter1 overflows
TIFR1 =(1<<TOV1); // clear Timer/Counter 1 overflow flag
// PORTB = PORTB ^ 32; // int activity test
FreqCounter.h - Library for a Frequency Counter c.
Created by Martin Nawrath, KHM Lab3, Dec. 2008
Released into the public domain.
#ifndef FreqCounter_h
#define FreqCounter_h
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#if defined(ARDUINO) && ARDUINO >= 100
#include "Arduino.h"
#include "WProgram.h"
namespace FreqCounter {
extern unsigned long f_freq;
extern volatile unsigned char f_ready;
extern volatile unsigned char f_mlt;
extern volatile unsigned int f_tics;
extern volatile unsigned int f_period;
extern volatile unsigned int f_comp;
void start(int ms);
It's giving this warning message when I copy the code into the file for the first time.
"FreqCounter.cpp" contains unrecognized characters.If this code was created with an
older version of Processing,you may need to use Tools -> Fix Encoding & Reload to updatethe
sketch to use UTF-8 encoding. If not, you may need todelete the bad characters to get rid of
this warning.
Of course the "Fix Encoding & Reload" tool does not work. Does anyone know how to update this library to work with the current version of the IDE?
I'm trying to read the frequency (digital signal) of a magnetic pulse motor to ascertain the the RPM. Frequencies won't exceed 25 kHz and it doesn't need to be super accurate. Any ideas? This library has me pulling my hair out.
Just had a play with the code you've provided. Modified freqCounter.h as follows and the example now compiles
#include "Arduino.h"
FreqCounter.h - Library for a Frequency Counter c.
Created by Martin Nawrath, KHM Lab3, Dec. 2008
Released into the public domain.
#ifndef FreqCounter_h
#define FreqCounter_h
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
namespace FreqCounter {
extern unsigned long f_freq;
extern volatile unsigned char f_ready;
extern volatile unsigned char f_mlt;
extern volatile unsigned int f_tics;
extern volatile unsigned int f_period;
extern volatile unsigned int f_comp;
void start(int ms);