:o :o :o :o i have this error when i verfiy eny code on arduino and i had spended 24 hours to see the error but i cant please some body help me
Usage of F:\Arduino\arduino-nightly\arduino-builder:
-build-path="": build path
-compile=false: compiles the given sketch
-debug-level=5: Turns on debugging messages. The higher, the chattier
-dump-prefs=false: dumps build properties used when compiling
-fqbn="": fully qualified board name
-hardware=[]: comma-separated list of 'hardware' folders
-ide-version="10600": fake IDE version
-libraries=[]: comma-separated list of 'libraries' folders
-logger="human": Sets type of logger. Available values are 'human', 'machine'
-prefs=[]: comma-separated list of custom preferences
-tools=[]: comma-separated list of 'tools' folders
-verbose=false: if 'true' prints lots of stuff
-version=false: prints version and exits
-warnings="": Sets warnings level. Available values are 'none', 'default', 'more' and 'all'
Error compiling.