Error detecting the USB port: COM3äõ,(üù,(´ÿp»o×þÿÿÿö

I am having a problem USB port identification,
my IDE 1.6.8 are reading: COM3äõ,(üù,(´ÿp»o×þÿÿÿö
And often it other names, always starting with COM3 and then several other symbols. It should read "COM3 (Arduino UNO)." And with this misreading the USB port can do I do not carry any program. It displays the following error:

avrdude: ser_open(): can't open device "\.\COM3äõ,(üù,(´ÿp»o×þÿÿÿö,(dm": O sistema não pode Problema ao carregar para a placa. Veja para sugestões.
encontrar o arquivo especificado.

I'm using Windows 10, UNO and Arduino IDE 1.6.8.
Would anyone have any idea how to solve this problem?

The latest version of the IDE from is 1.6.7. If you are using some other version, that you got from somewhere else, you need to post your question there.