Hi, I have to do a project for my school. It consists of doing a glove which is able to translates to moves from the official sign language to text (on an Android device via AppInventor). It's based on accelerometers. When I send the program on the Uno, O have the following error : error: expected primary-expression before ')' many times. Here is the part of my code which is problematic :
This is for the letter A, and for example, ax2 corresponds to the value of the X-axis of the second accelerometer (I wasn't able to do the thumb unfortunately), but anyway, the error message is for the last line. I would like to know if this part of code is OK for Arduino, knowing that I've already declared the accelerometers, and the axis.
Thank you very much for your help, I need a quick answer (it's for tomorrow !!)
(If you wants, I've put the program below)
Yes that is problematic.Putting a semicolon at the end of an "if" is almost always never a good idea.
(Can't see your code because I'm posting from my phone)