So this is my code:
#include <Wire.h>
void setup()
nunchuck_setpowerpins(); // use analog pins 2&3 as fake gnd & pwr
nunchuck_init(); // write the initilization handshake
Serial.print ("Finished setup\n");
void loop()
// Nunchuck functions
static uint8_t nunchuck_buf[6]; // array to store nunchuck data,
// Uses port C (analog in) pins as power & ground for Nunchuck
static void nunchuck_setpowerpins()
#define pwrpin PORTC3
#define gndpin PORTC2
DDRC |= _BV(pwrpin) | _BV(gndpin);
PORTC &=~ _BV(gndpin);
PORTC |= _BV(pwrpin);
delay(100); // wait for things to stabilize
// initialize the I2C system, join the I2C bus,
// and tell the nunchuck we're talking to it
void nunchuck_init()
Wire.begin(); // join i2c bus as master
Wire.beginTransmission(0x52); // transmit to device 0x52
Wire.write(0x40); // writes memory address
Wire.write(0x00); // writes sent a zero.
Wire.endTransmission(); // stop transmitting
// write a request for data to the nunchuck
// was "write_zero()"
void nunchuck_write_request()
Wire.beginTransmission(0x52); // transmit to device 0x52
Wire.write(0x00); // writes one byte
Wire.endTransmission(); // stop transmitting
// Receive data back from the nunchuck,
int nunchuck_get_data()
int cnt=0;
Wire.requestFrom (0x52, 6); // request data from nunchuck
while (Wire.available ()) {
// receive byte as an integer
nunchuck_buf[cnt] = nunchuk_decode_byte(;
nunchuck_write_request(); // write request for next data payload
// If we recieved the 6 bytes, then go print them
if (cnt >= 5) {
return 1; // success
return 0; //failure
// Print the input data we have recieved
// accel data is 10 bits long
// so we read 8 bits, then we have to add
// on the last 2 bits. That is why I
// multiply them by 2 * 2
void nunchuck_print_data()
static int i=0;
int joy_x_axis = nunchuck_buf[0];
int joy_y_axis = nunchuck_buf[1];
int accel_x_axis = nunchuck_buf[2]; // * 2 * 2;
int accel_y_axis = nunchuck_buf[3]; // * 2 * 2;
int accel_z_axis = nunchuck_buf[4]; // * 2 * 2;
int z_button = 0;
int c_button = 0;
// byte nunchuck_buf[5] contains bits for z and c buttons
// it also contains the least significant bits for the accelerometer data
// so we have to check each bit of byte outbuf[5]
if ((nunchuck_buf[5] >> 0) & 1)
z_button = 1;
if ((nunchuck_buf[5] >> 1) & 1)
c_button = 1;
if ((nunchuck_buf[5] >> 2) & 1)
accel_x_axis += 2;
if ((nunchuck_buf[5] >> 3) & 1)
accel_x_axis += 1;
if ((nunchuck_buf[5] >> 4) & 1)
accel_y_axis += 2;
if ((nunchuck_buf[5] >> 5) & 1)
accel_y_axis += 1;
if ((nunchuck_buf[5] >> 6) & 1)
accel_z_axis += 2;
if ((nunchuck_buf[5] >> 7) & 1)
accel_z_axis += 1;
Serial.print(accel_x_axis, DEC);
Serial.print(accel_y_axis, DEC);
Serial.print(accel_z_axis, DEC);
Serial.print("\r\n"); // newline
if(endValue != 0) {
if (endValue != (sqrt(pow(accel_x_axis,2)+pow(accel_y_axis,2)+pow(accel_z_axis,2));){
//--- licht aan
endValue = sqrt(pow(accel_x_axis,2)+pow(accel_y_axis,2)+pow(accel_z_axis,2));
// Encode data to format that most wiimote drivers except
// only needed if you use one of the regular wiimote drivers
char nunchuk_decode_byte (char x)
x = (x ^ 0x17) + 0x17;
return x;
And I'm getting the following error on line 136=> nunchuck:136: error: expected unqualified-id before 'if'
Can someone help me, because I've looked on the forum already and the solutions offered aren't working for me.