ERROR: expected unqualified-id before ‘void'

Hi, I am getting error message (expected unqualified-id before ‘void’)
the code I used is

* Firmware for the ”2WD Ultrasonic Motor Robot Car Kit”
* Stephen A. Edwards
* Hardware configuration :
* A pair of DC motors driven by an L298N H bridge motor driver
* An HC−SR04 ultrasonic range sensor mounted atop a small hobby servo
#include <Servo.h>
Servo servo;
// Ultrasonic Module pins
const int trigPin = 13; // 10 microsecond high pulse causes chirp , wait 50 us
const int echoPin = 12; // Width of high pulse indicates distance
// Servo motor that aims ultrasonic sensor .
const int servoPin = 11; // PWM output for hobby servo
// Motor control pins : L298N H bridge
const int enAPin = 6; // Left motor PWM speed control
const int in1Pin = 7; // Left motor Direction 1
const int in2Pin = 5; // Left motor Direction 2
const int in3Pin = 4; // Right motor Direction 1
const int in4Pin = 2; // Right motor Direction 2
const int enBPin = 3; // Right motor PWM speed control
enum Motor { LEFT, RIGHT };
// Set motor speed: 255 full ahead, -255 full reverse , 0 stop
void go( enum Motor m, int speed)
digitalWrite (m == LEFT ? in1Pin : in3Pin , speed > 0 ? HIGH : LOW );
digitalWrite (m == LEFT ? in2Pin : in4Pin , speed <= 0 ? HIGH : LOW );
analogWrite(m == LEFT ? enAPin : enBPin, speed < 0 ? -speed : speed );

*/// Initial motor test :
// left motor forward then back
// right motor forward then back
void testMotors ()

static int speed[8] = { 128, 255, 128, 0 ,
-128, -255, -128, 0};
go(RIGHT, 0);
for (unsigned char i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++)
go(LEFT, speed[i ]), delay (200);
for (unsigned char i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++)
go(RIGHT, speed[i ]), delay (200);
// Read distance from the ultrasonic sensor , return distance in mm
// Speed of sound in dry air , 20C is 343 m/s
// pulseIn returns time in microseconds (10ˆ−6)
// 2d = p * 10ˆ−6 s * 343 m/s = p * 0.00343 m = p * 0.343 mm/us
unsigned int readDistance ()
digitalWrite ( trigPin , HIGH );
delayMicroseconds (10);
digitalWrite ( trigPin , LOW );
unsigned long period = pulseIn ( echoPin, HIGH );
return period * 343 / 2000;
#define NUM ANGLES 7
unsigned char sensorAngle[NUM ANGLES] = { 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120 };
unsigned int distance [NUM ANGLES];
// Scan the area ahead by sweeping the ultrasonic sensor left and right
// and recording the distance observed. This takes a reading , then
// sends the servo to the next angle. Call repeatedly once every 50 ms or so.
void readNextDistance ()
static unsigned char angleIndex = 0;
static signed char step = 1;
distance [angleIndex ] = readDistance ();
angleIndex += step ;
if (angleIndex == NUM ANGLES - 1) step = -1;
else if (angleIndex == 0) step = 1;
servo . write ( sensorAngle[angleIndex ] );
// Initial configuration
// Configure the input and output pins
// Center the servo
// Turn off the motors
// Test the motors
// Scan the surroundings once
void setup () {
pinMode(trigPin , OUTPUT);
pinMode(echoPin, INPUT);
digitalWrite ( trigPin , LOW);
pinMode(enAPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(in1Pin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(in2Pin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(in3Pin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(in4Pin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(enBPin, OUTPUT);
servo . attach ( servoPin );
servo . write (90);
go(LEFT, 0);
go(RIGHT, 0);
testMotors ();
// Scan the surroundings before starting
servo . write ( sensorAngle[0] );
delay (200);
for (unsigned char i = 0 ; i < NUM ANGLES ; i ++)
readNextDistance (), delay (200);
}// Main loop:
// Get the next sensor reading
// If anything appears to be too close , back up
// Otherwise, go forward
void loop () {
readNextDistance ();
// See if something is too close at any angle
unsigned char tooClose = 0;
for (unsigned char i = 0 ; i < NUM ANGLES ; i++)
if ( distance [ i ] < 300)
tooClose = 1;
if (tooClose) {
// Something's nearby: back up left
go(LEFT, -180)
} else {
// Nothing in our way: go forward
go(LEFT, 255);
go(RIGHT, 255);
// Check the next direction in 50 ms
delay (50);

I've seen other posts like this but they haven't been helpful. Though that is probably because I'm still really new to this.

Can you please post the whole sketch?

Posted it, I didn't realize I had to sorry

The compiler does not like the */ before the //

Just comment with
// Initial motor test :

You will then find other errors.

See the following error-free version of your sketch:

#include <Servo.h>
Servo servo;
// Ultrasonic Module pins
const int trigPin = 13; // 10 microsecond high pulse causes chirp , wait 50 us
const int echoPin = 12; // Width of high pulse indicates distance
// Servo motor that aims ultrasonic sensor .
const int servoPin = 11; // PWM output for hobby servo
// Motor control pins : L298N H bridge
const int enAPin = 6; // Left motor PWM speed control
const int in1Pin = 7; // Left motor Direction 1
const int in2Pin = 5; // Left motor Direction 2
const int in3Pin = 4; // Right motor Direction 1
const int in4Pin = 2; // Right motor Direction 2
const int enBPin = 3; // Right motor PWM speed control
enum Motor { LEFT, RIGHT };

void go( enum Motor m, int speed)
  digitalWrite (m == LEFT ? in1Pin : in3Pin , speed > 0 ? HIGH : LOW );
  digitalWrite (m == LEFT ? in2Pin : in4Pin , speed <= 0 ? HIGH : LOW );
  analogWrite(m == LEFT ? enAPin : enBPin, speed < 0 ? -speed : speed );

void testMotors ()
  static int speed[8] =
  { 128, 255, 128, 0 ,
    -128, -255, -128, 0
  go(RIGHT, 0);
  for (unsigned char i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++)
    go(LEFT, speed[i ]);
  delay (200);
  for (unsigned char i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++)
    go(RIGHT, speed[i ]);
  delay (200);

unsigned int readDistance ()
  digitalWrite ( trigPin , HIGH );
  delayMicroseconds (10);
  digitalWrite ( trigPin , LOW );
  unsigned long period = pulseIn ( echoPin, HIGH );
  return period * 343 / 2000;

#define NUMANGLES 7
unsigned char sensorAngle[NUMANGLES] = { 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120 };
unsigned int distance [NUMANGLES];

void readNextDistance ()
  static unsigned char angleIndex = 0;
  static signed char step = 1;
  distance [angleIndex ] = readDistance ();
  angleIndex += step ;
  if (angleIndex == NUMANGLES - 1)
    step = -1;
  else if (angleIndex == 0) step = 1;

void setup ()
  pinMode(trigPin , OUTPUT);
  pinMode(echoPin, INPUT);
  digitalWrite ( trigPin , LOW);
  pinMode(enAPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(in1Pin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(in2Pin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(in3Pin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(in4Pin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(enBPin, OUTPUT);
  servo . attach ( servoPin );
  servo . write (90);
  go(LEFT, 0);
  go(RIGHT, 0);
  testMotors ();
  // Scan the surroundings before starting
  servo . write ( sensorAngle[0] );
  delay (200);
  for (unsigned char i = 0 ; i < NUMANGLES ; i ++)
    readNextDistance (), delay (200);

void loop ()
  readNextDistance ();
  // See if something is too close at any angle
  unsigned char tooClose = 0;
  for (unsigned char i = 0 ; i < NUMANGLES ; i++)
    if ( distance [ i ] < 300)
      tooClose = 1;
  if (tooClose) 
    // Something's nearby: back up left
    go(LEFT, -180);
    go(RIGHT, -80);
    // Nothing in our way: go forward
    go(LEFT, 255);
    go(RIGHT, 255);
  // Check the next direction in 50 ms
  delay (50);

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