Hi, I'm really new to coding and Arduino in general so please be nice!
I can't figure out what's wrong with my code so that I can upload and test it before moving on. I know that I've configured the app so that it can upload to the board because the default programs work, most of this has been copied from that so I don't quite know where I've gone wrong. Whenever I verify the code it comes up with the text 'error for compiling to board Arduino Nano' and can't quite figure out from other posts how to get it to work. Please help! The code is below.
#include <Servo.h>
Servo base; // create servo object to control the base swivel
Servo shoulder; // create servo object to control the shoulder servo
Servo arm; // create servo object to control the upper arm servo
Servo wrist; // create servo object to control the wrist swivel
Servo hand; // create servo object to control the vertical movement wrist servo
Servo claw; // create servo object to control the claw of the arm
int pos = 0; // variable to store the servo position
void setup() {
base.attach(11); // attaches the base servo on pin 11 to the base servo object
shoulder.attach(10); // attaches the shoulder servo on pin 10 to the servo object
arm.attach(9); // attaches the arm servo on pin 9 to the arm servo object
wrist.attach(6); // attaches the arm servo on pin 6 to the wrist servo object
hand.attach(5); // attaches the hand servo on pin 5 to the hand servo object
claw.attach(3); // attaches the claw servo on pin 3 to the claw servo object
base.write(90); // sets base to mid-point for start
shoulder.write(0); // sets shoulder to mid-point for start
arm.write(0); // sets arm to mid-point for start
wrist.write(90); // sets wrist to mid-point for start
hand.write(90); // sets hand to mid-point for start
hand.write(140); // tell hand servo to go to position in 140 degrees
delay(2000); // waits 2sec for the servo to reach the position
hand.write(60); // hand servo moves to 0 degrees
delay(15); // waits 15ms for the servo to reach the position
arm.write(180); // arm servo moves to
delay(1985); // waits 1985ms for the servo to reach the position