Hallo ik krijg error meldingen wie weet wat er fout gaat?
Dit is de code;
#include <Servo.h>
const float pi = 3.14159, theta_r = radians(48.0), theta_p = radians(23.2), theta_s[] = {-pi/3, 2*pi/3, pi, 0, pi/3, -2*pi/3},
RD = 2.395, PD = 3.3, L1 = 1.0, L2 = 4.72, z_home = 4.25, Servo_min, Servo_max, servo_mult
p[2][6] = {{PD*cos(pi/6 + theta_p), PD*cos(pi/6 - theta_p), PD*cos(-(pi/2 - theta_p)), -PD*cos(-(pi/2 - theta_p)), -PD*cos(pi/6 - theta_p), -PD*cos(pi/6 + theta_p)},
{PD*sin(pi/6 + theta_p), PD*sin(pi/6 - theta_p), PD*sin(-(pi/2 - theta_p)), PD*sin(-(pi/2 - theta_p)), PD*sin(pi/6 - theta_p), PD*sin(pi/6 + theta_p)}},
re[2][6] = {{RD*cos(pi/6 + theta_r), RD*cos(pi/6 - theta_r), RD*cos(-(pi/2 - theta_r)), -RD*cos(-(pi/2 - theta_r)), -RD*cos(pi/6 - theta_r), -RD*cos(pi/6 + theta_r)},
{RD*sin(pi/6 + theta_r), RD*sin(pi/6 - theta_r), RD*sin(-(pi/2 - theta_r)), RD*sin(-(pi/2 - theta_r)), RD*sin(pi/6 - theta_r), RD*sin(pi/6 + theta_r)}};
theta_r = angle between attachment points
theta_p = angle between rotation points
theta_s = orientation of the servos
RD = distance to end effector attachment points
PD = distance to servo rotation points
L1 = servo arm length
L2 = connecting arm length
z_home = default z height with servo arms horizontal
servo_min = lower limit for servo arm angle
servo_max = upper limit for servo arm angle
servo_mult = multiplier to convert to milliseconds
p = location of servo rotation points in base frame [x/y][1-6]
re = location of attachment points in end effector frame [x/y][1-6]
const int servo_pin[] = {9,3, 5, 11, 6, 10}, servo_zero[6] = {1710, 1280, 1700, 1300, 1680, 1300};
servo_pin = servo pin assignments,
servo_zero = zero angles for each servo (horizontal)
Servo servo[6];
Servos 0, 2, 4: reversed (+ = down, - = up)
Servos 1, 3, 5: normal (+ = up, - = down)
void setup()
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
void loop()
static float pe[6] = {0,0,0,radians(0),radians(0),radians(0)}, theta_a[6], servo_pos[6],
q[3][6], r[3][6], dl[3][6], dl2[6];
pe = location and orientation of end effector frame relative to the base frame [sway, surge, heave, pitch, roll, yaw)
theta_a = angle of the servo arm
servo_pos = value written to each servo
q = position of lower mounting point of connecting link [x,y,x][1-6]
r = position of upper mounting point of connecting link
dl = difference between x,y,z coordinates of q and r
dl2 = distance between q and r
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
q[0][i] = L1*cos(-theta_a[i])*cos(theta_s[i]) + p[0][i];
q[1][i] = L1*cos(-theta_a[i])*sin(theta_s[i]) + p[1][i];
q[2][i] = -L1*sin(-theta_a[i]);
r[0][i] = re[0][i]*cos(pe[4])*cos(pe[5]) + re[1][i]*(sin(pe[3])*sin(pe[4])*cos(pe[5]) - cos(pe[3])*sin(pe[5])) + pe[0];
r[1][i] = re[0][i]*cos(pe[4])*sin(pe[5]) + re[1][i]*(cos(pe[3])*cos(pe[5]) + sin(pe[3])*sin(pe[4])*sin(pe[5])) + pe[1];
r[2][i] = -re[0][i]*sin(pe[4]) + re[1][i]*sin(pe[3])*cos(pe[4]) + z_home + pe[2];
dl[0][i] = q[0][i] - r[0][i];
dl[1][i] = q[1][i] - r[1][i];
dl[2][i] = q[2][i] - r[2][i];
dl2[i] = sqrt(dl[0][i]*dl[0][i] + dl[1][i]*dl[1][i] + dl[2][i]*dl[2][i]) - L2;
theta_a[i] += dl2[i];
theta_a[i] = constrain(theta_a[i], servo_min, servo_max);
if(i%2 == 1) servo_pos[i] = servo_zero[i] + theta_a[i]*servo_mult;
else servo_pos[i] = servo_zero[i] - theta_a[i]*servo_mult;
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
deze meldingen krijg ik;
_6DOF:4: error: uninitialized const 'Servo_min'
_6DOF:4: error: uninitialized const 'Servo_max'
_6DOF:5: error: expected initializer before 'p'