error in my code

I get an error at 'changeLights();' in the void loop. I'm new to arduino and I really can't figure out why this is happening


int red = 10;
int yellow = 9;
int green = 8;

int button = 12;

void setup(){
pinMode(red, OUTPUT);
pinMode(yellow, OUTPUT);
pinMode(green, OUTPUT);

pinMode(button, INPUT);
digitalWrite(green, HIGH);

void loop(){
if(digitalRead(button) == HIGH) {
if(digitalRead(button) == HIGH) (

void changeLights(){
// green off, yellow on for 3 seconds
digitalWrite(green, HIGH);
digitalWrite(yellow, LOW);

// turn off yellow, then turn red on for 5 seconds
digitalWrite(yellow, HIGH);
digitalWrite(red, LOW);

// red and yellow on for 2 seconds (red is already on though)
digitalWrite(yellow, LOW);

// turn off red and yellow, then turn on green
digitalWrite(yellow, HIGH);
digitalWrite(red, HIGH);
digitalWrite(green, LOW);

Code blocks for if statements should be in braces { } not brackets ( ).

Also, when posting code on the forums, please place code inside [​code]Code Tags[​/code].

thank you for your reply, I just saw this after I posted this. still thanks tho

thank you for your reply, I just saw this after I posted this. still thanks tho

No problem. A good tip with C/C++ is that many times the error is on the line before where it is actually reported.