Error in runing my coding via LiPo to power the HC-SR04, IR sensors and servo


Any help into this issue would be greatly appreciated.

Ok so in light with my sem 1 project, I was tasked to build a robot car that can do the ‘line tracking’ using 2 infrared sensors attached to the front. Then, at the end of the line, there would be a small table with a small wall in front whereby I need to AUTONOMOUSLY pick up a load using a servo-powered gripper. With that small wall, I then had an idea of using an HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor. I got a photo of the entire racetrack attached.

I choose to run everything on my car using an L298P motor shield that is placed on top of my Arduino Uno. I also attached a hand-drawn wiring diagram for added reference (sorry im not the best at drawing).

So I then come up with a coding attached (for the sake of simplicity, I would just use one servo for the coding, tho, in reality, there would be like 4 of them, and team UP is my team's name).

Basically, how my coding works is as follows. If my ultrasonic sensor detects a great distance (tho I added in distance > 3000 || distance > 60 || distance > 3 || distance == 0 || distance == 1 too as these are what I call ‘anomaly distances’ my sensor tends to pick up once in a while), my car would still continue to line track. However, when my ultrasonic sensor detects a very very small distance (my car at that time would be close to the small wall I talked about earlier), that would stop the car and activate my gripper (for the sake of simplicity, in the attached coding, I set it such that with the help of a servo, arm would raise up to its 90 deg position, delay a few seconds, then raise down to its horizontal position autonomously).

So, here’s where my problem arises. This coding can only run whenever I connect my Arduino Uno to the computer via a USB cable. But, I want my coding to run only via my 7.4V LiPo battery. In an attached diagram, you can see how I connect my LiPo to Arduino’s power jack by creating this small setup with a barrel jack and a dean connector. And so, I connected my battery in such fashion, and the coding didn’t run as expected. And yes, my battery didn’t run out of power when I tried to do so. This problem still puzzles me.

I want to try to have it so that my coding can still run even with just the LiPo battery alone. Are there any slight flaws in the coding that I have to tweak so that the coding can run like usual? Or maybe I need to change to a different motor shield? Or perhaps some parts of the wiring were wrong? Let me know your recommendations below.

This is one of my first Arduino projects. I know this may be something simple for you out there and hopefully I can learn from you guys. I would sincerely appreciate if you can help me out. Thanks.

team_up_hcsr04_coding.ino (2.8 KB)

wiring scheme for my robot car.pdf (297 KB)

I see no reason why your code should not start, when not connected to the PC.

Add an LED (with current limiting resistor), and toggle it's state on every pass through loop(). Does that work?