Error in the PWM control function PWMC_SetDutyCycle()

I use the Arduino SAM Boards 1.6.12 library.
After downloading the program, I get the error:
"duty <=pPwm->PWM_CH_NUM[ul_channel].PWM_CPRD"failed: file "../source/pwm c.c", line 272, function: PWMC_SetDutyCycle.
The management program looks like this:

#include <DueTimer.h>
// #define PID_OPTIMIZED_I
#include <GyverPID.h>
double Kp_L = 0.0;
double Ki_L = 0.3;
double Kd_L = 0.0;
double Kp_R = 0.0;
double Ki_R = 0.3;
double Kd_R = 0.0;
int16_t SET_L = 511;
int16_t SET_R = 511;
#define PWM_R 8
#define DIR_R 10
#define A_R A2 
#define PWM_L 9
#define DIR_L 11
#define A_L A3
uint32_t timing = 0;
uint32_t timing_dt = 0;
uint32_t dt_delay = 100;
uint32_t print_delay = 1000;
uint32_t slow = 0;
int16_t cur_pos_L;
int16_t cur_pos_R;
int16_t RC_L;
int16_t RC_R;
int16_t toLow_pos = 9;
int16_t toHigh_pos = 1023 - toLow_pos;
int16_t STOP_Low_pos = 5;
int16_t STOP_High_pos = 1023 - STOP_Low_pos;
bool trig = false;

bool dirL; 
bool dirR; 
int32_t timing_dirL = 0; 
int32_t timing_dirR = 0; 

GyverPID regulator_L(Kp_L, Ki_L, Kd_L, dt_delay);
GyverPID regulator_R(Kp_R, Ki_R, Kd_R, dt_delay);

void setup() {
  pinMode(DIR_R, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(DIR_R, LOW);
  pinMode(DIR_L, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(DIR_L, LOW);
  pinMode(PWM_R, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(PWM_L, OUTPUT);

  regulator_L.setLimits(-255, 255);     
  regulator_R.setLimits(-255, 255);     
  regulator_L.setpoint = SET_L; 
  regulator_R.setpoint = SET_R; 

void loop() {

if (millis() - timing_dt >= dt_delay){ 

cur_pos_L = analogRead(A_L);
cur_pos_R = analogRead(A_R);

 if (SET_L - cur_pos_L < 0) {
  digitalWrite(DIR_L, HIGH);
  dirL = HIGH;
  else {
  digitalWrite(DIR_L, LOW);
  dirL = LOW;
  if (SET_R - cur_pos_R < 0) {
  digitalWrite(DIR_R, HIGH);
  dirR = HIGH;
  else {
  digitalWrite(DIR_R, LOW);
  dirR = LOW;

  if (cur_pos_L > STOP_Low_pos && cur_pos_L < STOP_High_pos) {
    regulator_L.setpoint = SET_L;
    regulator_L.input = cur_pos_L;
    analogWrite(PWM_L, abs(regulator_L.getResult()));      
  else {
    analogWrite(PWM_L, 0);
  if (cur_pos_R > STOP_Low_pos && cur_pos_R < STOP_High_pos) {
  regulator_R.setpoint = SET_R;
  regulator_R.input = cur_pos_R;
  analogWrite(PWM_R, abs(regulator_R.getResult()));
  else {
    analogWrite(PWM_R, 0); 
  timing_dt = millis();

Can you tell me what this error is related to and how to fix it?

Hi @yshved

As abs() function is implemented as a macro:

#define abs(x) ((x)>0?(x):-(x))

...Arduino recommends avoiding using other functions inside the brackets:

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Calculations in the abs() function have been removed. For reliability, I removed the calculations in analogWrite() itself - they can cause a delay in its execution, as I understand it, and disrupt interaction with the timer. The error is gone. Thanks!

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