error in using overloaded constructor

I'm a new arduino developer and I'm implementing my neural net libraries for the pololu robot.
I have a weird error when trying to use a class with an overloaded constructor.
Basically the .h looks like this:

// =====================================================================================

class NeuronBP



    // ====================  LIFECYCLE   ========================================= 

    /*! Constructor f,q */

    NeuronBP(double f=DEF_F, double q=DEF_Q);

    /*! Constructor void*/



and the c++ code looks like:

NeuronBP::NeuronBP(double f, double q)



  normalize_ = true;

  burst_ = false;



/** Constructor that sets frequency and quality.


 *              Constructor that sets frequency and quality.


 *      @param  f double - The frequency.

 *      @param  q double - The quality.







The library is succesfully compiled and I can use it in this way:

void loop()                     // run over and over again

  NeuronBP nrnbp(0.2,0.5);
  for(double k=1.0;k<10.0;k=k+10.0)

but when I try to use:

void loop()                     // run over and over again

  NeuronBP nrnbp();
  for(double k=1.0;k<10.0;k=k+10.0)

The compiler says:

In function 'void loop()':
error: request for member 'calculate' in 'nrnbp', which is of non-class type 'NeuronBP ()()

it seems it considers two classes within the 2 different constructors.
Is it because i can't use overloading in classes?


NeuronBP nrnbp();


NeuronBP nrnbp;

Putting the () after it actually makes nrnbp a pointer to a function that returns a NeuronBP, rather than just a variable of type NeuronBP.

Also, you might have problems because it's ambiguous to have both a default constructor and a constructor in which all the parameters are optional. You should be able to just delete the default constructor (or make one of the parameters non-optional in the other constructor).

It's true: mine was a very stupid mistake!
The corrected version now looks like:

class NeuronBP

    static const double  DEF_F = 0.1;
    static const double  DEF_Q = 0.51;


    // ====================  LIFECYCLE   ========================================= 

    /*! Constructor f,q */
    NeuronBP(double f=DEF_F, double q=DEF_Q);

and is working and compiling now I only have to test it ;D