exec: "C:\Users\anirudh\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\arduino\tools\arm-none-eabi-gcc\4.8.3-2014q1/bin/arm-none-eabi-g++": file does not exist
Error compiling.
I have been using the IDE for some time in Windows 7. Recently I have installed Windows 10 and since then getting this issue. I am using Arduino Due IDE version 1.6.6 and tried Also Genuino IDE. full set of copied error is attached as error.text
I have made a simple sketch for testing by commenting all the statements but 2 . The sketch is attached as sketch for testing.txt
Sorry no help by the above answers. problem remains. cleaner sketch with fewer comments and smaller error line given below.
C:\Users\SS Prasad\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\arduino\tools\arm-none-eabi-gcc\4.8.3-2014q1\bin\arm-none-eabi-ar: unable to rename '{archive_file_path}'; reason: File exists
Error compiling.
That's not the same problem, so it cannot be said to remain.
If you can't be bothered to read a few simple rules and apply them, what makes you think we can be bothered to help you?
Fixing space bar may not be the issue as I have tried both with or without. I think that some windows upgrade has caused the issue. So I agree that it might be a windows file permission issue. What should I do for it?