Error initializing ESP 32 CAM

Hey guys, I'm new here.

I'm currently working on a project using the ESP 32 CAM.
However, when I try to create the basic "WEB SERVER" program, the following error appears on the serial monitor after all the upload procedures and pressing the board's reset button:

configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee
mode:DIO, clock div:2
entry 0x400805f0
E (546) esp_core_dump_flash: �� core dump partition found!
E (546) esp_core_dump_flash: No core dump partition found!

I'm using Arduino to make the connection to the ESP 32, according to the following image
What is happening, and how can I resolve it? Thank you for your attention.

The Arduino Uno is a 5V processor, and the I/O pins MUST NOT be directly connected to a 3.3V processor without using logic level shifters. You may have damaged one or both processors.

I found this ESP32-CAM getting started guide to be helpful

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1. Use the following guranteed setup (Fig-3) using ESP32-CAM-MB adapter for uploading sketch into ESp32-CAM Module.
Figure-1: ESP2-CAM modue

Figure-2: ESP32-CAM-MB adapter

Figure-3: Programming of ESP32-CAM using ESP32-CAM-MB adapter

2. Setup of post #1 does not work.

3. The following setup also does not work.

4. The following setup (obtained form net) also deos not work. (GND connection shown is a false groun. It should be at GND-pin near 5V.)

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